Top 40 Relationship Questions To Ask A Guy
Are you currently in a relationship with a guy? Here are 40 very important questions you need to ask him so you can be sure you are on point.
Jul 24, 2018

Yes, ask him questions
It's a beautiful thing to be in a relationship, more beautiful if it's a loving one. You get all the attention and care you desire from your partner. The feelings are sometimes so great that words may fail in describing them. But you know what? Apart from the great feelings you get from the warmth you both share, there will always be time for you to talk. Some of these talks will require that you ask your guy some questions. You surely do not want to put yourself into the hands of a guy you don't know. That's the reason asking questions is the way to go before making any deep commitment. His responses to each of the questions you pose to him would allow you to decide whether he's worth you or not. Similarly, they are capable of bringing both of you closer so you have a better rapport. Here are some 40 questions to ask a guy you are in a relationship with. Of course, you would have to decide when to ask which as it is unthinkable you'll expect a guy to give sincere responses to 40 questions at a go. It would also be nice if you pose some of these questions to him at a time he's best relaxed. Your aim is to elicit some genuine responses from him and he can only do so when he's best fitted to. If you are ready, here are those questions:
1. Why do you like me?
You can be sure he's expecting you to ask this question. It's one question that affords him the opportunity to express his love in words for you. But for you, you are asking because you are sure you aren't the only girl out there. So, it would be nice to know why she chose you out of the crowd.
2. What questions can't I ask you?
This is going to get him cracked up a bit. He's likely going to respond "none". But take note of how he responds. If he has a secret he intends to keep from you, he may respond reluctantly. And again, if he's got some bossy and difficult personality, you may just have to get a pen and paper to write down the don'ts.
3. Have you ever been in a relationship before now?
This question will give him the opportunity to tell you something about his past if he has ever dated any lady prior to meeting you. If he has been in a relationship before now, you may want to probe him further on what led to the end of that relationship. The bottom line is for you to see if there are lessons you can learn from it.
4. What can I do to get you annoyed?

You can expect a variety of responses from him on this question. If he is going to be honest with you, you should get a couple of things you could do that would make him lose his temper. This question alone will tell you a lot about him and what you should avoid doing if you don't want your relationship to end so soon.
5. What attracted me to you?
You may be surprised at the list of things that caught his attention for you. He may tell you it's your appearance or carriage or anything. Something definitely drew his attention to you and wouldn't you be willing to know what those things are?
6. Where do you love us to meet often and why?
Now, you are seeking to know what his fun life is all about. If he is a lover of soccer, you can guess where his choice of location would be. But you do not need to pre-empt for him. It can be at a clubhouse, at the beach or even in your room. Just let him be the one answering this question.
7. Why do you think some people still stay in a relationship that is abusive?
This is a question that will force him to think and even reflect on the evil effects of ever abusing you in your relationship. It would allow you to also evaluate yourself to see if you stand the risk of being abused in your relationship with him.
8. What do you think of a guy cheating on a lady in a relationship?

And you better realize and admit this fast. Infidelity is one main reason most relationships end abruptly. You want to know how seriously he takes this issue. Notice that you are not asking him a yes/any question. His response would alert you, whether he has indignation for cheating or he sees nothing bad in it.
9. Do you see anything wrong in a girl asking a guy out?
Now, this can be a great discussion for a whole day. You want to know his opinion about this issue and depending on him, he may tell you, he sees nothing wrong in such. Your aim is not really to know whether he supports that or not but you want to get talking with him and by so doing, develop more intimacy.
10. What number of kids do you dream of having?
There are some guys that would tell their girls they don't ever want to have kids even in their marriage. You want to know if he is one of such guys. And again, you want to know his desire with regards to their numbers would be if he wants kids.
11. Was I difficult for you to approach?
You are technically asking him to assess how his first encounter with you looked like. You want to know if you were hard to get for him or quite easy. Don't be surprised when he tells you the number of rehearsals he had before finding his confidence to approach you. On the other hand, he may just have little or no problem asking you for a date then. All in all, what you need is his honest answer.
12. How do you feel about ladies playing hard to get?

Of course as a lady you know playing hard to get is what you do quite often with guys. But now, you want to know from your guy how he feels about that "game". The interesting thing here is that he may not even believe there is anything like a girl playing hard to get. Don't be surprised if he blames guys for not doing their "homework" well enough. Anyway, it can turn out to be a great discussion topic knowing what his opinion about this subject is.
13. Do I ever turn you on?
It is not out of place to find out if you are physically attractive to him or not. He is surely going to find this question romantic and if he answers in the affirmative, you may want to probe further by asking him what things you do that turn him on. This would help you improve on those things so you can keep your romance alive.
14. Do you like me asking you questions?
Never be presumptious to assume he likes entertaining questions. Its better you ask him first so that you know the number of questions you can pose to him at a time so you don't cause some friction between you with your many questions.
15. Can you do without me for a week?
This question will make you realize how much you matter to him. You want to know how life without you will be for him just for a week, no text, no calls. If you are what he claims you are to him, his answer is going to be any of "terrible", "meaningless" or others that portray emptiness.
16. How often do you think couples should make love?
This is very romantic and he may be somewhat shy to make his stance known on the matter at first but you can always make him tell you what his take on it is. Some of the possible responses from him are "everyday", "every hour", "twice a day" and so on. Never mind what his responses are. They are just a reflection of the chemistry he's having for you.
17. Tell me something about your past
Everyone surely has a past, some good, some ugly. Asking him about his past is a way of getting to know him better. But you too must be prepared to share yours because he may just ask about yours too.
18. When was the first time you kissed?

Don't be surprised if he says he hasn't kissed before. And it is even possible he can't remember. Guys generally are not good at keeping such records except there is something spectacular attached to it. Nothwithstanding, he may just be one of those guys who had something unforgettable attached to their first kiss.
19. Have you ever slept with a woman before?
You would have to have reached some stages in your relationship before you can ask this question. It is one of the questions that may not easily go well with him. However, if he is the free type, he may not see it as a big deal and as such, tell you unreservedly he had slept with other women before.
20. Anything about your past that you are finding hard to let go?
Apart from the sake of asking questions, it's good for you to know if there are some past events that may be hunting him even till now. Perhaps, your words of advice can be therapeutic. You surely don't want him to bring his broken past to your relationship.
21. What is your opinion about text messages?

You want to know if he likes receiving text messages so you can use the tool well. Not all guys pay attention to text messages and you don't want to get busy doing what he'll not appreciate.
22. What do you think a guy needs most in a relationship?

His response should tell you what he may be expecting most in the relationship. You know why? It's because we often interpret our needs into the needs of others. So, what he thinks a guy needs most in a relationship may actually be what he needs most.
23. What questions do you have for me?
Anytime you bring up this question, you should really be prepared for it. He surely will have lots of questions for you especially if you too have been asking some.
24. Are you a religious person?
It's very good to know how your guy takes religion and religious activities. It will afford you the opportunity to know how best to relate with him on religious matters.
25. For how long do you see the two of us together?
This is a question that will lead you to understand his plan for the two of you. If he gives a definite time frame when he thinks you both will stay together, you may wish to think twice before giving him a chance in your life. In other words, the expected answer is: forever.
26. What is your view about early marriage?
It is good to know where he stands on this issue. You can then compare his opinion to yours and see if they match.
27. Do you mind watching pornography?
This is a question bothering on morality and you want to know from him if he's pro or anti-pornography. It is expected that he would express indignation for it but if perchance he sees nothing bad with it, you may want to reconsider your relationship with him.
28. What position are you in your family?
Is he the first or last child of their family? This is what this question is all about. That will afford you the opportunity to know him better.
29. What turns you off?
In other words, you want to know the things that he hates so you can avoid them.
30. How do you manage anger?
Your question is acknowledging the fact that no human is immune to anger. Nevertheless, at such moments, you wish to know how your guy manages it.
31. If you were to be the lady and I the guy, would you still love me?
This sounds quite an intelligent question. It is geared at evaluating in totality the basis for the love he proclaims for you.
32. How would you define love?
By the time he answers this question, you will know exactly what he meant when he told you he loved you.
33. What is your life philosophy
Those who live for nothing surely die for everything. You want to identify what drives him in life. How does he keep moving despite the hurdles?
34. How do we manage our sex life?
Truth be told, sex is one thing he looks forward to in the relationship. He probably would not like being given less of it and as such, it is worth discussing how it would be sustained. What an interesting question?
35. What one thing would make you leave me?
For you, his response would serve as some sort of precautions so you don't cross the lines.
36. Who am I to you in a word?
Don't worry if it takes him some time to identify the correct word to describe you. His choice of word to describe you will reveal what he most cherishes about you.
37. Are you a fan of politics?
Most men have some forms of penchants for politics and it would be nice to know if your guy is among such men.
38. Do you have a role model?
You will better understand why he behaves the way he does if you get to know who his role model is.
39. What one thing would you have me improve on?
Do not ask this question if you are not open to corrections or observations. He may just be blunt with you and tell your weakness to your face.
40. How best do you think couples can show each other love?
What he says represents what he wants from you.
Final remarks
Up till now, there is no magic to know what is going on in the mind of the other person except they tell us. And in reality, information these days are asked for and rarely given unsolicited. This does not exclude even lovers. Asking the above questions from your guy will bring you two closer and help know each other well.