20 Signs Your Boyfriend Doesn't Trust You At All & What To Do

20 Signs Your Boyfriend Doesn't Trust You At All & What To Do

Read these signs that tell you that your boyfriend has trust issues; the reasons for having them and how to deal with such a partner.

By Vera Aries
20 Signs Your Boyfriend Doesn't Trust You At All & What To Do

Your Boyfriend Has Trust Issues

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Every relationship in life should be based on trust. Whether it's a family, friendly, affectionate or professional relationship, trust is the most important thing for its survival. You have to trust people so that you can be happy and fulfilled. But also, when it comes to love relationship, your boyfriend has to trust you, in order to have a good connection and stay together. You have probably wondered whether your boyfriend trusts you. It is normal in the beginning of the relationship, if your boyfriend doesn't trust you 100%, given the fact that people often misuse trust. But if you are together for a while, then trust issues can cause problems between you two. One of the most common reasons for breaking up is not having trust in the relationship. Most often, it is about quarrels due to uncertainty, disguised as mistrust. This is a complex situation especially if there is love between the partners, but usually the person that has some trust issues will eventually start to 'suffocate' his partner, and here is when the problems start. Read this 20 signs and find out if your boyfriend trusts you. If you locate the problem it will be easier to deal with it and to look for a solution.

20 Signs That Your Partner Doesn't Trust You

1. You have to prove him everything. For example that you really went with your friends for a drink, because he does not believe what you tell to him. 2. He follows every step of you on social media. He knows if you liked some pictures, if you have a new friend in the list etc. 3. He must have every password of your social networks. Facebook, Instagram, email...he wants to know every password. 4. He doesn't want attractive people nearby you. It's a sign he doesn't trust you and is afraid that you may start something with someone else. 5. He asks your friends for confirmation, to confirm your story. If you told him that you were out with 'Anna', he will try to confirm this story and ask her as soon as he sees her. 6. He accuses you, but you do not know the truth. He can make a scenario that does not even exist in the movie, and that it cannot be further from the truth. 7. He is jealous of everything. Constant seizures of jealousy are a sure sign that in your relationship there is not trust. 8. When you are out with friends, he calls you very often, just to check what you are doing. 9. When you come home from night with friends, he asks you million questions about everyone. 10. He wants to check your phone often. He takes your phone and checks messages, calls and if he sees some unknown number, you need a explaining to do. 11. When you get a text message, he rushes to read it with you, or even before you. 12. He appears "on accident" on a places where he knows you will be with your friends. 13. He tries to make you tests, and caught you in a lie. If you feel that he is making some tests that you need to 'pass', it's more than obvious that he doesn't trust you. 14. Sometimes you feel like you are on an interrogation after you have spent some time with colleagues or friends. Who was there, why, with whom, are the single...are just some of the questions you need to answer on a daily basis, in order to make him feel more secure in you. 15. He asks you constantly about your ex. This is because he doesn't trust you enough and thinks that you may still have feelings for someone else. 16. He asks you questions in order to find out if you have cheated on him. 17. When you tell him something, he looks at you with suspicion. He starts asking more questions, looking for evidence, etc. 18. He is unhappy when you want to spend some time without him. This is also a sign that he feels insecure in himself but also in your love. 19. He thinks that you have stopped loving him and tries to find out if you have another man in your life as the reason for it. 20. He tells you. The biggest alert that your boyfriend has trust issues is when he tells you. In a situation like this i guess it has happened to you to sometimes hear the sentence: " I don't trust you".

Possible Reasons Why Your Boyfriend Doesn't Trust You

He feels uncertain about himself

Extremely insecure persons usually have trust issues in the relationship. Many men successfully mask their insecurity with exaggerated aggression or constant accusation of others. Such people will look for signs of something behind their back, always leading the battle and having "enemies" constantly. They really believe that they cannot believe anyone. How can they even, when they do not believe themselves!

He thinks you're better than him

Men often mystify women, especially those who like them. Maybe he thinks you're out of his league forbidding him to trust you. It is possible that he has been so fond of you to see each other's eyes on you and fear that he may lose you. In his eyes you are the best girl in the world, and everyone wants to get your attention. In reality, he only projects his strong feelings toward you, and he thinks that every other guy has the same intentions and desires towards you that he has. He is simply afraid that you will wake up one morning, look around and think "where I was wondering to be with this guy, alongside so many better guys."

He caught you in a lie

Of all the reasons for the trust issues that have been mentioned so far, this is the only real one. If he has already caught you in the lie before, no matter how small the lie was, he realistically expects you to lie again. A tiny, ‘white lie’ that you wanted to tell, from who knows what reason, can lead to a permanently shaken trust in the relationship.

He was once cheated

For some people it's too hard to leave the past behind. Once they are injured, they will always be on guard and never allow themselves to be allowed to relinquish love, so that they will never be hurt again. This is just his problem and you have nothing to do with it, nor are you obligated to pay for the ugly things that someone else has done to him or his inability to approach the life and the problems.

How To Deal With Your Partner's Trust Issues

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Although the only way to deal with and resolve the trust issues is to make your boyfriend understand that you are a person worth believing in. It takes a lot of effort and time for a relationship which has trust issues to succeed. Of course there are sometimes reasons why your boyfriend doesn't trust you. But, most often, uncertainties arise when there are no such reasons. If your partner is good, communicative and loves you and appreciates you, but still he feels insecure, then you must find a way to dispel those negative thoughts from him. Start with a deep conversation with your boyfriend. Uncertainty and the problems with trust in the relationship must come from somewhere. Your boyfriend should first answer to the question: Does he project his concerns from a completely different area to your relationship? - Sometimes when people had some family experience, or previous cheating etc; could reflect those emotions in the new relationship. You need to figure out are you the one that makes her boyfriend insecure and with trust issues? Did you do something wrong. Think well about this before talking to your partner.

Create An Atmosphere Of Trust For Your Partner

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How can you create an atmosphere of trust and confidence for your partner to "risk" speaking from the heart for his vulnerability? If you really want to understand the perspective of your partner and where his trust issues come, you need to learn some things. First, your partner should be convinced that you really want to hear and understand him and that you will not attack or belittle his feelings, so he will be ready to open up more about his vulnerable feelings and needs. Talk sincerely about your secrets, desires and needs. Indeed, it may seem daunting to talk about your deepest and intimate fears, needs, and desires. What if you open your heart to your boyfriend and he is critical, negative or even more ridiculous? But only if you are at risk with this vulnerability, you can overcome the repetitive round of attack and defense and start a new conversation with sincere contact and love.

Final Word

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Stable relationships are built on trust. At the beginning of the relationship, there is usually no unconditional trust, and that's OK because you have not met your partner enough to trust him completely. However, some people do not even realize that their partner doesn't trust them. These 20 characters above can surely show that in your relationship does not have enough trust. The foundations of a healthy relationship need to be built up, and it is necessary to have wisdom to establish a relationship of trust. This is achieved if sincerity, reliability, control of jealousy are denied and the problems are not left side by side. In order to be the relationship on a good track, it is necessary the partners to have trust in each other. The fact is that, if there is no trust in the relationship, it will not last, especially if your partner does not want to work hard to fix the problem. First of all, you need to become aware of the nature and strength of the trust issues your partner has. In order to save the relationship, face with your partner about his trust issues, analyze them and talk to your partner.