25 Cute DIY Anniversary Gift Ideas That Make You The Best Girlfriend Ever
So your anniversary is fast approaching and you are thinking of the gifts to give your boyfriend? Get some DIY gift ideas for him here.
Jul 25, 2018

DIY Anniversary Gifts: How Great They Are!
Who doesn't like gifts? Perhaps no one. In the list of the five love languages put forward by Gary Chapman (Ph.D.), giving and receiving of gifts is one. It is hard to claim that you love someone and for a period of up to one year or more, you haven't thought of giving them a gift. Occasions would certainly come up that would require that you affirm your love for them through the giving of gifts.
As such, you would always have one anniversary or the other to mark with your boyfriend so long as you are on the same page. It could be a one or two-year anniversary of when you first kissed, met, or started dating. Whatever the anniversary is centered around, it is always a moment for you to rekindle and reaffirm your love for him.
But what kinds of gifts can you give your boyfriend that would not only convey love but also be uniquely different? Truth be told, it can be challenging trying to figure out the gifts to present for one's boyfriend that would be very thoughtful. But then, you do not need to give yourself sleepless nights trying to work out those fantastic gifts in your head; we have some 25 cute DIY gifts ideas you can adopt that would make you the best girlfriend ever.
Bear in mind that when it comes to giving one's boyfriend gifts that he would continue to remember and appreciate for years to come, it is not always the size or amount spent on purchasing the gifts that matter. Most times, it is your ability to tailor the gifts after the needs and personality of your sweetheart that makes the difference.
No one knows your boyfriend as much as you do. That is why a Do-It-Yourself (DIY) approach may be the best way to go when you are planning this love venture. Having been with him and seen what he cares about, you can come up with a homemade gift project that would put a smile on his face. So, guard your loins as we roll out the 25 unique gifts ideas.
DIY Anniversary Gifts For Him #1: Encouraging Letter
There is something unique about putting your feelings into writing and delivering it to your boyfriend on your anniversary dates. It gives him a goose pimples feeling and connects his soul with yours in such a manner that an ordinary talk cannot do.
Something about writing is that you can always monitor your use of words. That is, you can revise it in as many times as possible and articulate the whole piece in such a way as to capture your mind elegantly. Tell him exactly who he is to you and appreciate him profusely with heart-melting words.
This DIY gift idea would cost you less than a dollar and perhaps a bit of your time. You don't need a Ph.D. in writing to do this since you are writing about someone very close to your heart. You may add some flavors to this letter by delivering to your boyfriend through a trusted courier service provider.
DIY Anniversary Gifts For Him #2: Picture Frame
Since he is your boyfriend, you probably would have gone on some trips together before or attended a program in which you took some cute photos together. Get a hold on any of those cute photos and make it into a picture frame. If possible, let some beautiful words be crafted above or beside the frame describing how much he means to you.
You don't need the service of anyone to arrive at this thoughtful but straightforward gift, and he would live to appreciate it. This gift, unlike other perishable ones, would last for as long as the quality of your frame can take it. To spice things up, make sure that the frame is tailored after your boyfriend's best colors.
DIY Anniversary Gifts For Him #3: Get Him A Scarf
This is another unique anniversary gift that can put smiles on your boyfriend's face. He probably wouldn't think of getting a scarf on his own except for special gifts like this. So, be the one to get your boyfriend this unique gift.
He can do a lot with this scarf and each time he uses it; you can guess the thought of who is going to fill his mind. Carefully imprint those three magical words on the scarf and append your signature on it. It's such a simple but cute anniversary gift to present to him.
DIY Anniversary Gifts For Him #4: Calendar Cake
This is another cute anniversary gift you can present to your boyfriend. You would have to make the cake in a rectangular shape to accommodate for twelve divisions. These divisions should be done with icing, and each represents the twelve months of the year.
Of course, your anniversary would have to fall on any of the months and whatever month it is, let it be uniquely different by making it more colorful than the rest. Write in each of these twelve divisions your wish for your boyfriend and present the cake to him in style.
You may need the assistance of your friends in making the cake if you are not a cake guru; but if you are, it's something you can make under your roof with ease. Make sure your words are short, precise, and captivating. He's going to love it.
DIY Anniversary Gifts For Him #5: Gift Bag
It's an anniversary you are marking, and one way you can surprise your boyfriend is to get a moderately-sized bag and buy a lot of things inside. You can customize the bag in your boyfriend's name to make it look nicer.
What you would buy to fill the bag must, however, be tailored after the hobby or personality of your boyfriend. For instance, if he is a soccer guy, consider buying a lot of gifts in that direction. This can include sports wears, shoes, hand gloves, and other things.
Of course, to go for this idea, you would need to have some money in your bank account. That's because you have to buy him original things that he can use for a while. But be sure that every time he uses those things, your thought would always be on his mind.
DIY Anniversary Gifts For Him #6: Love Painting
If you've got an unused jar that can hold colors, you can paint the shape of a heart on it. The heart is a common symbol that represents love. On the cap of the jar, you can consider inscribing some very adoring clauses like "You are my everything" on it.
To crown things up, write some nice things inside a paper and put it inside the jar. The ingenuity of the gift would make your boyfriend appreciate it greatly. Let him know later on that you did the painting yourself and if it took you some days to achieve it, let him know in one of your conversations how long it took. It's such a cute gesture that he won't forget in a short while.
DIY Anniversary Gifts For Him #7: Half A Dozen
This DIY gift is especially cute if you are marking a 6-month or 6 years anniversary with your boyfriend. Of course, 6 represents the half of a dozen. To get this done, you would need a neat box that has a cover. Buy six different types of doughnuts and arrange them inside the box.
On top of the box cover, inscribe these beautiful words "Happy half a dozen." You may want to paint a heart picture beside the words to show that you love your boyfriend. Other ideas that you have can also be employed to spice the gift presentation up.
DIY Anniversary Gifts For Him #8: Scrapbook
If you have been noting down major events that have been taking place during the period under review, another wonderful and unique DIY gift you can present to your boyfriend is a scrapbook. You are more or less presenting a manuscript of the highlights of events that you both have observed during the period you are celebrating the anniversary.
Trust guys to have forgotten most of these things. It's going to be a great idea to detail all that has taken place between the two of you in a book and presented it to him. Better is it if some of these things are backed up with relevant photos. If you need ideas on how to go about the scrapbook thing, you can search online, and you would surely get lots of insights on it.
This would not cost you much, and it would create a long-lasting effect on your boyfriend's mind. Give the scrapbook an excellent title such as "10 years of dating" and on each page, make sure that the heart symbol is scribbled there to communicate love.
DIY Anniversary Gifts For Him #9: His & Her Shirt
What a wonderful gift to get your boyfriend on your anniversary! Get two well-fitted T-Shirts one for him and one for yourself. On his T-shirt, write these words at the back "It's a Year." On yours, simply write "Already." Make sure to put your shirt on while going to present his to him.
When he puts on his shirts, you can guess what a nice line you'd have already. In front of the shirts, you may also want to include "King" for him and "Queen" for you. To crown things up, the two of you should get to a photo studio and pose for some nice shots.
It's such a dope way of celebrating a one-year love anniversary with one's lover. The shirt should be carefully chosen and the words properly inscribed. In case you cannot do the inscription yourself, seek the help of professionals. You can even get further ideas from other sources on what can be written on the shirts to make it unique.
DIY Anniversary Gifts For Him #10: Wallet Surprises
This is not about keeping some huge cash in his wallet so you should relax. Surprises are great especially when they are good. So, utilizing this knowledge, get a well-designed card almost the shape and size of the traditional business card, but what would be on it would be different.
On one face of the card, you can print these words boldly "Happy one-year Anniversary" while on the other, you could write a few words describing how unique and cute your boyfriend is. Don't forget to include at the base of the card your name and perhaps signature.
It is going to be a great experience for him to wake up, checking his wallet for something and then finding such an ingenious present. This should not shake your pocket much in carrying and the effect is certainly going to be more than the money spent on it.
DIY Anniversary Gifts For Him #11: The Five Senses Gift
This is a gift that merely tells your boyfriend that you love him with your five senses: sight, taste, touch, sound, and smell. There are some stores where you can get the five senses gift for just a token but it's good if you do it yourself.
Get the traditional basket used in packing goods/gifts and fill it with memories of these five senses as it applies to your relationship. For instance, to show that you love him with your sense of smell, you could purchase a new bottle of his cologne and attach a written note to it stating that his smell turns you on each time he's around you.
If you don't have the money to purchase a gift corresponding to each of these senses, you could carve out a card with beautiful words telling who he is to you in each of them. Where you want to make him know how you love him with your sense of taste, you could write "I can kiss you all the day long."
It's good you get further ideas on how to come about these nice words, or you can part away with some five to ten dollars to buy the five senses gift. You really cannot tell how long this would go to further cement your relationship.
DIY Anniversary Gifts For Him #12: Men Socks
If you are good at weaving, this is another homemade gift that can swell up the heart of your boyfriend. Take your time to weave for him quality men's socks with your insignia on it. This might take you some time, but the appreciation and love you would receive from it would make an effort worthwhile.
Socks are one of the clothing necessities of most guys and to have a quality homemade one from a caring heart can be very heart-warming. Make the socks in his favorite color (if he has one) and don't forget to express your love for him by planting a heart weave somewhere on the socks.
DIY Anniversary Gifts For Him #13: Hand Warmer
It can be freezing during the winter period, and everyone looks for something to keep them warm. Help your boyfriend get past this regular challenge by presenting to him a homemade handwarmer on your next anniversary. It is relatively cheap and not stressful to make.
You can make the hand warmer into any shape of your choice but let the shape tally with the anniversary and the symbol of love. Since the warmer would always be in his hands when it's cold out there, you are communicating a very deep message of care and support for him when things are cold out there.
DIY Anniversary Gifts For Him #14: Photo Jar
This is another exciting gift that you can make at home by yourself. All you need is a mason jar with lid, a clear vegetable oil, some dried flowers, and your favorite picture of you and him. You would have to insert the picture into the jar in such a way that it would be visibly seen through the jar.
The next thing is to pour the vegetable oil into the jar and add some of those dried flowers to it. That's all, and you've just made a photo jar! It's such a simple but cute gift any guy would appreciate. Just ensure that the picture chosen reminds him of some wonderful times you both have had together.
DIY Anniversary Gifts For Him #15: Photo Collage
Here is how to go about the number photo collage. Suppose you are marking two years anniversary with your boyfriend, you would cut out the number two on a photo frame and arrange some nice pictures capturing you and your boyfriend in the space.
It's such a unique and cute gift for an anniversary celebration. In fact, you can take it further by converting the year(s) you have been together into months, days, or even hours. Your calculator should help you out in this. Once you are done, give the number photo collage a nice packaging to give an excellent impression of you to your boyfriend.
DIY Anniversary Gifts For Him #16: Jar Of Love
The jar of love is exactly what its name says it is. You need a transparent jar that has a lid or cover and then, you would write your love messages on many pieces of paper which you would fill the jar. Since it is a jar of love, the content of those things should be super lovely.
The best way to get a great love jar is to start the writing way early enough before the D-day. It would afford you the opportunity of highlighting some of the nice things about your boyfriend that keep you glued to him. Write out some of his good attributes too and you can be sure that the memory of your nice words would linger on in his mind.
DIY Anniversary Gifts For Him #17: Talk Nerdy To Me
This is another simple but cute anniversary gift that would not put much pressure on your wallet or bank account. To prepare the gift, you need a clean and transparent jar and plenty of Nerds sweets to fill it up. It's great if you know how to make the sweets, but if not, you can purchase your needed quantity in a grocery store.
Once the jar is filled up, get cardboard to customize it, and you can fasten the cardboard to the jar with a fanciful thread. Not only will you make his day, but he's also going to love you greatly for it.
DIY Anniversary Gifts For Him #18: Travel Map
DIY Anniversary Gifts For Him #19: Love Lyrics
This is a cute gift to give a boyfriend that loves music. You may not be gifted at singing, but if you can come up with a few lines of love lyrics, he's going to appreciate it deeply. It takes a lot of brainstorming to produce thoughtful love lyrics, but the in-love feeling can make it less of an arduous task.
Take a step further by writing the love lyrics in musical notes. You are going to wow him by this gesture and who knows? He may enter the studios with those words and release a love track. And should that happens, your name is already written in his heart with permanent ink. This shouldn't cost you any money; you only need to pray for inspiration to come.
DIY Anniversary Gifts For Him #20: Slippers Gifts
Talk of one thing that most guys use by rarely want to buy with their monies and slippers are one. As you ponder of anniversary gift ideas for your guy, this is one way of meeting him at the point of his needs. Get fanciful slippers and inside the space in the slippers, carefully hide some items that you know he may also need for his body upkeep.
Do you want suggestions on those items? Well, you can go for his signature cologne, soap, a sponge, some sweets, and chocolates and candy bars. Wrap all these things nicely with a decorating cloth, and you've got a great anniversary gift for him.
Other DIY Anniversary Gifts For Him
21. You can get a printable poster where you list all the reasons you love him. Alternatively, you can put these reasons inside a frame and present it to him.
22. How about getting a bed cover or duvet and carefully writing your experience with him for the time you both have been dating? It's such a unique gift that he would appreciate. Every time he uses the cover, he'd have first to read all those sweet words and that, of course, would put a smile on his face.
23. This may be funny, but it's cute. Give your boyfriend an anniversary massage! It's very great.
24. Come up with date ideas that you think you and your boyfriend can work within the coming year. Put these ideas and suggestions in a jar and present it to him.
25. Heard of love vouchers? It's a cute way of warming the heart of your boyfriend on your anniversary dates. It is like a promissory note where you highlight some of the wonderful things you have in mind to do for him in the future.
On A Final Note
There you have some 25 cute DIY anniversary gift ideas for your guy. You would notice that none of these require that you overspend, but you would still end up communicating the message of love and appreciation to your boyfriend.
Again, the emphasis in any do-it-yourself gift is not necessarily the cost but the message, and you would see that many of the ideas suggested in this piece don't even require any spending. We wish you the best on your anniversary.