Find Out What a Good Relationship is Supposed to be Like

Envy a Good Relationship? Build your own with these tips

By AcaciaJ
Find Out What a Good Relationship is Supposed to be Like

We all long to find that one person that’s right for us. A good relationship is very special and while it may seem rare, it’s possible to find. Sometimes it’s not easy to figure out whether a person will be what we need, but there's no need to worry. Here are tips and signs on what a good relationship looks like and how you can have one of your own.

When we see others happy in a loving relationship, we often wonder if we can have the same. The short answer is yes, you can. Good and healthy relationships are more than just compatibility as they take an endless amount of work and commitment. It takes time to build a good relationship but it’s well worth it to invest in someone whom you care about and who feels the same way about you. Some tips to starting a good relationship include:

1. Be Emotionally Attentive

Generally, it’s not easy to tell when someone may be going through something. Your partner may seem okay if asked if everything is fine, but this is where you must be more attentive within your relationship. Sometimes our significant others won’t always want to come out and say what is wrong, for fear of being a burden or causing stress. However, it’s important to emphasize that you are always there for them and they can talk to you about anything. It’s okay to be strong sure but relationships are a team effort and every aspect requires a degree of special attention.

2. Always Keep an Open Ear

Listening and being a shoulder your partner can lean on allows for more trust and comfort to develop. More often than not, we just want someone to listen. We feel much better when we have a shoulder to cry on during the toughest times and that’s where your role as significant other comes into play. Simply taking time to hear your partner out during a disagreement or tumultuous times can really make all the difference.

3. Open up

It’s never easy letting people in to see the most vulnerable parts of who we are. However, it is imperative when growing close to someone who we consider a significant other. Being open and vulnerable allows for more trust between partners. It also helps to bring more purpose and engagement into the relationship along with a sense of security and honesty. These are all important elements to a good and healthy relationship.

4. Practice Effective Communication

As the saying goes, communication is key. This could not be any truer when achieving success in a happy, loving relationship. Approaching an argument with anger and hostility towards your partner will never resolve any issue. Instead, lend an open ear and approach with compassion and understanding to the problem. Hear one another out and let down your guards. Once you can listen to your partner effectively, problems will become much easier to communicate and resolve.

5. Meet Each Other Halfway

Compromising with your partner should not mean that one has to sacrifice their wants or needs for the other. Instead, you come to an agreement that will help you both get what you need. Compromise is a necessity in relationships as it helps everyone to coexist and achieve a harmonious connection. If for some reason, you cannot come to compromise on an issue, it’s best to leave it and revisit it later on. The end goal is to maintain peace and grow, not put your relationship or your love in jeopardy.

The Definition of a Good Relationship

Good relationships can be defined in several ways. Ultimately, a good relationship results in happiness and a long-lasting healthy connection between partners. No relationship will be 100% perfect, but it doesn’t mean it still cannot be good. If you’re with someone with whom you can share good core values and bring those values together to help create a solid and secure foundation, this would be considered a good relationship.

Characteristics of a Good Relationship

Understanding the components of what makes a relationship ideal or good is the first step in developing the relationship you desire. There are a number of characteristics that go into making a relationship great and each is things that must be worked towards all the time. Despite it's possible to create the fun-loving relationship of your dreams and these characteristics are just a few that can help you achieve doing so. 

1. Balance

Balance in relationships is important as an imbalance leads to problems that sometimes, can’t be fixed. Taking the time to pay attention to how much you’re putting into your relationship is key. Checking in with your partner to see how they are feeling about things and whether you can improve in certain aspects can benefit you both greatly. While you don’t need to check in every single day, at least try to do so as often as possible. This also runs along the lines of communication which is an essential  aspect of a successful relationship.

2. Honesty

Bringing honesty to the table is vital for both partners. Trust is something that is a part of the foundation needed to build a good relationship. If you are not able to trust your partner, you will not have the ability to move forward in a positive direction. By being honest, you are allowing yourself to genuinely feel while allowing your partner the chance to better understand your emotions. This, in turn, allows both partners to have a clearer understanding of each other’s thoughts and aids in the building of trust.

3. Respect

Respect in general, can take you far, and even more so in relationships. Giving your partner space to continue living their lives outside of the relationship is vital. Spending time with family and friends is important to anyone, and needing permission from your significant other to do so is not healthy. When you’re in a relationship filled with respect, you are ultimately valued. You won’t have to argue about wanting or needing space or accomplishing personal goals. Your partner will learn what is important to you and behave accordingly.   

4. Selflessness

It’s no secret that selfishness in a relationship will not amount to desired results from your partner. While everyone has to be selfish to a certain degree, while in a relationship it’s important to understand how much. This isn’t to say you have to devote every hour or minute of yourself to your significant other but you must understand you are a part of something together. This means effort has to be given on both ends, not just one.

5. Patience

Conflict and arguments are inevitable in relationships. Naturally, you are not going to agree on everything all the time. However, this does not mean your relationship is not a good one because you have arguments. Actually, this is not always a bad thing. Conflict can be beneficial and should be viewed as an opportunity to better understand your partner’s needs. Once settled, conflict typically leads to a growth of respect, honesty and more love between partners.

6. Understand Self-Care

We can only give others so much of our time and attention before becoming burnt out and the same works in a relationship. Understanding the importance of self-care is also essential in a healthy relationship. You can’t put yourself on the back burner and expect to only make someone else happy all the time. This can lead to frustration, anger and resentment towards your partner especially when personal goals are involved. Taking time to take care of yourself through hobbies, goals, friendships or relationships with family is also a key ingredient to a good, stable and blooming relationship.

Tips on How to Have and Maintain a Good Relationship

1. Keep Things Spicy

Let’s be honest, connecting physically with your partner plays a huge role in a healthy relationship. Therefore, it is imperative to keep the spark alive as much as you possibly can. Sometimes this can be a challenge as life can get in the way but it’s not impossible. While the physical aspect is important, intimacy as a whole is much more than just being physical. Your actions outside of being intimate in the bedroom also contribute to keeping your desire for one another alive.

For example being attentive to emotional needs, setting goals and accomplishing them together, and staying kind towards one another can all help to create long-lasting feelings of excitement and desire within your relationship. Also doing things like checking in with each other and working on ways to constantly improve things to build a closer bond will only provide lasting positive effects on your relationship.

2. Plan For Quality Time

Sometimes life can get so busy, we don’t have time to do the things we want with those closest to us. However, it is vital creating time for your significant other. Although your week may be filled with other activities take time to pull your partner aside and plan a date. Whether you decide something extravagant or keep it simple it’s important to remember the purpose of the date. To take time and spend quality time with one another despite the humdrum of your everyday routine.  

3. Practice Being Present

Many things keep our attention on a daily basis which makes it hard to live in the present. We have so many things happening at once all the time and this can affect the state of our relationships. Taking a moment to put down your phone or your computer and simply engage in conversation with your partner really can make all the difference.

Talking to them about their day, asking about their problems or even wanting to learn more about them can help develop an even closer bond to your partner. This is something that should be practiced often as it helps to create an even greater connection within your relationship. You never want to be so connected to the world that you neglect your partner of the emotional bond and companionship they deserve from you.


It takes dedication, effort, time, and consistency to keep a good relationship in a healthy space. It’s important to understand you and your partner first must be on the same page. Being with someone and changing your life and possibly your ways, is a very selfless step to take. Through this, balancing your personal lives and your lives as one may be challenging but will also allow for maturation as a couple.


Considering one another's emotions and thoughts each day will provide a continual flow of comfort and relief, helping you both remain in a good space. Even if your partner is experiencing feelings of anger or sadness, communication can always help you come back to happy grounds. It’s also vital to remember sometimes issues in a relationship may be bigger than you, thus considering counseling will never hurt. Along with this, taking time for yourself and time for each other as a couple can provide relief and enhance the best parts of your relationship. Always maintain positive approaches to problems and keep a good attitude. Because nothing will be a success overnight, especially when it comes to love.