What to Take Note During The First Trimester of Pregnancy

The things to take note in your first trimester of pregnancy

By Angelieh D. R.
What to Take Note During The First Trimester of Pregnancy

Food for first trimester pregnancy that you need to avoid

Congratulations on your pregnancy! You carry a whole other life growing inside of you. Being pregnant may seem like much responsibility but taking the best care of yourself during this period can be a labor of love. After all, it is no longer solely yourself that you have to worry about - you also now have your beloved baby's life that depends on your own. 

If you are a first-time mom or a mom that is just trying to remind herself of some important information that you should remember on pregnancy, then remember to not eat the following kinds of food during your pregnancy:

1. Alcohol

You should not drink alcohol of you are pregnant.

If you like going out for your weekly or girls' night out with your friends, then you have to tell them explicitly that your drinks must be alcohol-free. You must avoid alcohol as it could increase the possibility of miscarriage or still-birth. In some cases, drinking alcohol during your pregnancy could also lead to deformities, mental disabilities or heart issues in your baby. 

2. Caffeine

Avoid food that have caffeine in them.

Normally, you cannot start your day right without your morning coffee or tea. Unfortunately, for the sake of your baby's health, you must also refrain from consuming food and drinks that are rich in caffeine such as tea, coffee, energy drinks, cocoa-based products, etc.

Having caffeine-rich food may stunt your baby's growth in the womb which may lead to your child having a low birth weight when you give birth. This is very dangerous as it can be fatal for the baby and can also increase the chances of chronic diseases, such as heart complications and diabetes, when he or she reaches adulthood.

3. Raw Meat, Fish and Eggs

Say no to uncooked food.

If you love raw foods such as steak tartare and sushi, then you have to forego your liking for them for the whole period that you are pregnant. The main danger of raw food to pregnant women is the harmful bacteria that they carry like Salmonella, E.Coli, and  Listeria. 

These bacteria do not just threaten the health of the mother but of the baby as well. If you eat raw food during pregnancy, it can heighten the risk of you delivering your baby stillborn along with increased chances of becoming blind or developing intellectual disabilities and neurological illnesses.

4. Unpasteurized food products

Make sure that your dairy products are pasteurized.

Similar to the raw food mentioned above, eating unpasteurized food products such as cheese, milk and fruit juice, can be dangerous to pregnant women like you. Eating these kinds of food while you are with-child can make your unborn baby vulnerable to bacterial infection from  E.Coli, Salmonella, and Listeria. Aside from this, the bacteria can also make you feel nauseated as well as induce vomiting and diarrhea. 

5. Certain Kinds of Fruit

Grapes and green papaya can be bad for you.

According to some studies, pregnant women during their first trimester should avoid eating certain kinds of fruit such as grapes and unripe papaya. Grapes turn out to have high levels of a compound called resveratrol on its skin which could lead to your baby having underdeveloped pancreas - which means a higher risk of getting diabetes in his adult life. 

Unripe papaya, on the other hand, contains papain, a substance that could induce early labor in pregnant women. This fruit also contains latex, an allergen that could cause miscarriages as it causes early uterine contraction. This means it makes your womb open earlier than normal and cause premature labor and the subsequent miscarriage. 

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Diet for First Trimester of Pregnancy

You have learned about the various kinds of food and drink that you must avoid. Aside from this, in order to become as healthy as you can be for your unborn child, you also need to have a diet that would be extremely beneficial for your baby. This means having the right balance of healthy food and exercise.

1. Fruits and Vegetables

Eat a balance of fruits and vegetables.

Fruits and vegetables are a staple when it comes to your early trimester of pregnancy as they serve mainly as glow foods which are rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Doctors suggest that you should 3 servings each of fruits and vegetables daily. Even though you can still choose from fruits in various forms such as canned, frozen or cooked, fresh fruits are still the best. 

For vegetables, make sure that you eat a variety from the rainbow. Dark green veggies like spinach, kale, and broccoli can help in maintaining a strong heart and reduce chances of mental decline. While vegetables from the orange group like carrots, pumpkins, and sweet potatoes are good for eye health and in the healthy development of muscles and bones. 

2. Dairy Products

Drink lots of milk for strong bones - for you and baby.

Pasteurized dairy products should also be a part of your daily diet with an ideal 2 to 3 servings. Milk, yogurt, and cheese, food that are rich in Vitamin D and Calcium, can help you and your unborn baby to develop strong and healthy bones. As an additional benefit, you can also use yogurt to lessen the discomfort and nausea from your frequent and daily episodes of morning sickness. 

3. Protein and Whole Grains

Whole grain bread is good for you.

Doctors advise that along with the other food groups, you should also eat 2 to 3 servings of protein and whole grains. Proteins such as fish, meat, and beans are excellent "grow" foods which enables you and your child to grow and repair important body tissues in addition to developing antibodies to fight various kinds of diseases. Whole grains like wheat bread and brown rice are beneficial sources of energy and fiber to help lessen the possibility of hemorrhaging and constipation. 

4. Prenatal Vitamins

Take your prenatal vitamins everyday.

Other than eating a daily dose of your healthy diet, your physician will most probably advise you to also take prenatal vitamins every day. These are supplementary medicine whose goal is to fill the nutrition gaps from your diet. Most prenatal vitamins are composed of folic acid, iron, and calcium. Folic acid is very important in making sure that your baby is born with no birth defects as it ensures the healthy development of your child's brain and spinal cord. 

5. Daily Exercise

Make exercising a part of your daily routine.

Aside from eating a balanced and healthy diet in addition to taking your prenatal vitamins every day, your first-trimester should not be without proper exercise. Some easy and advisable forms of exercise suggested to pregnant women during their early stage of pregnancy is simple yoga or Pilates exercises, swimming, and walking. 

However, you should also know the kinds of exercises to avoid because they may be harmful to you and your unborn baby such as backbends and abdomen twists. If you are not sure how to do the exercises properly and safely, you could always choose to join exercise programs for pregnant women or even hire a personal trainer who is experienced in pregnancy exercises. 

The growth of baby in the first trimester

The first trimester of your pregnancy refers to the first three months or 12 weeks. During this time your baby undergoes to developmental stages: from being an "embryo" to becoming a "fetus". You may ask, what is the difference between the two?

The embryo stage refers to your baby's development from a fertilized egg to the formation of its vital organs and parts such as the brain, heart, lungs, arms, and legs. Transitioning to the fetus stage means that your baby's growth is now more focused on holistic development - preparing for its birth and life outside of the womb. 

Your unborn baby would go through several stages of development.

During your first month of pregnancy, your baby is just 1/4 inch big. Around this time, from being a fertilized egg, the embryo starts to develop its eyes, nose, and ears. The digestive and nervous system also begin to materialize. At this point, the heart is still in the early stages in the form of a tube, but it would already begin to beat. 

The second month of the trimester will have your baby grow into about 1 inch long, with its head being a third of its entire length. The embryo will already have transitioned into the fetus stage by this point. The facial features continue to develop and the heart is fully functioning already. All the vital organs of a grown baby is already developed but the bones of your fetus are just beginning to grow. 

All the vital organs of the baby is complete in 2 months.

By the third month of your pregnancy, your fetus is about 3 to 4 inches long and weighs around 1 ounce. At this point, your baby's teeth, toenails, fingernails, and genitalia are already forming. The fetus's circulatory and urinary system are already fully functioning. The fetus could also already move inside the amniotic fluid in your womb. You can already hear the heart rate of your baby through an electronic listening device. 

Weight gain of mommy and baby in the first trimester

Weight gain is expected as you go through the stages of your pregnancy.

During the first trimester, you can expect a weight gain of about five pounds because of the heartier and healthier diet prescribed to you. However, in some rare cases because of the morning sickness and possible pickiness when it comes to food, you may also lose weight. Do not be alarmed since on the latter part of your pregnancy when these specific symptoms pass, your weight will increase steadily. 

In the first trimester, your baby does not weigh much as previously mentioned in the last section. When he or she reaches the third month of development, your baby fetus will weigh only 28 grams or 1 ounce. 


Every personal sacrifice is for your baby.

Being pregnant will indeed invoke changes in your lifestyle. Although they might be difficult, making these changes and personal sacrifices is crucial to the health and well-being of your baby.

After all, it is not only yourself alone that you have to worry about now, a young life is now growing inside you. It will take patience, responsibility, great effort, and love to prepare your body perfectly for the needs of your little one.

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