How To Attract And Seduce A Virgo Woman And Win Her Heart

How To Attract And Seduce A Virgo Woman And Win Her Heart

If you can win the heart of a Virgo woman she will be loyal to you forever. Here's how to attract and seduce a Virgo woman and win her over.

By Lindsey Ladd
How To Attract And Seduce A Virgo Woman And Win Her Heart

Who Is The Virgo Woman?

Who exactly is a Virgo woman? Virgos are born between August 23rd and September 22nd. These women tend to be more shy and introverted when it comes to finding a mate. Though some are extroverts, when it comes to finding a mate she will never chase you. Virgo women will want to move slowly in a relationship with any man out of the fear of being hurt, so be prepared to be patient and allow them to take their time. The Virgo woman appreciates the little things. She wants to feel special and likes it when you put thought into the time you spend with her. She will appreciate a more quiet and subtle atmosphere, especially as you get to know each other early on, because she genuinely wants to get to know you and who you really are. A Virgo woman is not typically one to jump quickly into anything as she is calculated and analyzes each situation. Though she may seem as if she isn't attracted to you, don't be too quick to give up. The Virgo woman wants you to chase her. She wants to know you are just as attracted to her as she is to you before she will let you know where she truly stands. A Virgo woman does not prefer grand gestures, but the simple and thoughtful one. If you want to speak to her heart, do so in a simple and thoughtful way. Spending loads of money on gifts won't mean as much as dropping by the office with her favorite coffee when you know she had a late night. A Virgo woman is thoughtful and appreciates when her man is as well. Don't take the easy route and buy her an expensive gift. Take a moment and think about who she is and even if it doesn't cost a penny, that will be a sweeter gift.

What Is A Virgo Woman Attracted To Physically?

Do you want to know what a Virgo woman is attracted to? What physical traits does she look for and what will make her turn her head before she can catch herself? Do you want to step up your game to make her more sexually attracted to you? Virgo women are attracted to men who can dress well. They want a man who is put together. Do you want to attract her and be irresistible? Put together a simple and classy ensemble that shows that you care about your appearance, know how to put yourself together, but aren't too flashy. A Virgo woman wants her man to smell good as well. She doesn't want to walk into a room wondering how long it's been since he's showered. Don't overdo it with the cologne though. If she is overpowered by what you decide to "wear", you won't attract her but instead will make her run in the other direction. A Virgo woman is physically attracted to someone has it together on the inside and out. She appreciates the time you spend to keep yourself well kept. She will notice the little things, so remember that less is more and soon enough she will be your's.

What Character Traits Does A Virgo Woman Look For?

A man who is put together on the outside is one thing, but a Virgo woman wants a man who is also put together on the inside. You will attract her with your intelligence and wit. She appreciates a man who is knowledgeable and can have deep conversations with her. If you don't like to sit and talk, then good luck. A Virgo woman also will be attracted to little things like good manners. She wants to have the door opened for her, she wants you to say please and thank you and to treat others well. As mentioned above, Virgo women are very careful when entering a relationship. They will watch everything you do, so treat others kindly and with good manners and it will go a long way with her. A man who is looking to seduce a Virgo woman must realize that she is looking at how well you are put together on the inside and out. Don't think she will let you in her bed if you can't hold a job, or are rude and/or disrespectful. Attract her with your kindness and gentleness, and soon enough she will be in bed with you for a long time to come. Seduce her by pouring a glass of wine and sitting by a fire and talking with her about what interests her. Be open about who you are and what you want in life and she will be more sexually attracted to you than she can control. A Virgo woman isn't going to say no to another date if you show her from the start that you are open, honest, and willing to communicate.

Attract Her By Setting Goals and Dreaming Big!

To truly win the heart of a Virgo woman, you must dream big! Virgo women are go-getters and she wants her man to be one as well. A Virgo woman wants to know that you are reaching for the stars and pushing yourself. She can't help but be sexually attracted to someone who is dreaming of big things and working towards them. If you are fake, she will see this and you won't win her over but push her away instead. Have real dreams. Don't be fake and then flip the switch once she's given you her heart. Be real with her. Virgo women are going to analyze everything, especially in the beginning so don't think you can tell her you have big goals when it's all just a lie. A Virgo woman wants a man she can dream with. If you will dream with her, you will speak to her heart in a way that is deeper than almost anything else. Dream and set goals, and she will want to chase you forever. She will be more sexually attracted to you if she knows that you are working towards more in life than what is right in front of you. If you have been with a Virgo woman for a while and are trying to win her over, talk about where you would travel as a couple. Talk about and dream about the future with her. When a Virgo woman knows you are thinking about the future, she is more likely to begin to show you that she is too. A Virgo woman doesn't want a man who just wants to get her in bed; and though it may have been a year since you started dating, she won't lower her guard until she can see that you're dreaming of a future with her.

How To Seduce A Virgo Woman

Seducing a Virgo woman sexually is more difficult than other women in the zodiac. It takes time and patience before she will trust you with that piece of herself. If a Virgo woman lets you into her bed, she is telling you that she is "in". Try seducing her first with little things like a candlelit dinner, or buy roses for her on a random day to show her you're thinking about her. If you truly want to speak to her heart, write her a small poem or something elegant to show your love and that you care for her. To attract and seduce a Virgo woman you must make yourself more vulnerable than with other women. They want to know they can trust you and that your feelings are real. She won't chase you if you make her think you are fake or just trying to get in her bed. When you have a Virgo woman in bed, seduce her by making her know you care about her. She wants to know that you aren't just there for yourself, and she won't know that unless you show her. Seduce her by letting her know that she is your priority in bed and she will always be looking forward to your next time together.

After Attraction, After Seduction....How To Keep A Virgo Women Forever

Did she chase you? Did you chase her long enough that you were able to get her to say "yes"? Congratulations! But now what? How do you keep your Virgo woman forever? How are you going to make sure that her needs are met in the relationship and keep her wanting more? It's simple. Keep dating her. Don't stop making her want to chase you, and you shouldn't stop chasing her. She wants to feel like you still are the smart, intelligent dreamer that she fell for. She wants to know that you will still send her those little poems over text at random times. She still wants to know that you hold her heart dear and that you didn't "win" and then quit putting in the work. A Virgo woman wants you to continue putting in the work and making time for you as a couple. She will notice when things change. She will notice if everything stops being sweet and she will feel like she has been duped. A Virgo woman wants you to continue planning special candlelit dinners, walks by the boardwalk at night, and the simple quiet times you had in the beginning. If you feel like she is slipping away, then take a minute and listen to what she's telling you. A Virgo woman will always tell you, in one way or another, that she needs more time, that she needs to feel special, that she needs you in bed, that she needs you to communicate. A Virgo woman will make her feelings known in her quiet way, so look and listen to what she is telling you through her actions and comments. Seduce her when you first meet and make it a part of your relationship forever. The little things will always mean more to her than anything flashy or irrational. Don't spend a ton of money on a gift, but get her that little thing she mentioned one day while having coffee. It's the little things. Seduce her with the little things.