20 Madly Honest Declarations Of My Love For You Quotes

Immerse in these sweet loving declarations of my love quotes

By Caren M
20 Madly Honest Declarations Of My Love For You Quotes

Declaration of My Love For You Quotes for Him and Her

We celebrates love and helping people express what they are feeling deep inside so if you're looking for ways to declare the love you feel for your love, and the words somehow don't come right to you, we've got you covered with some of the most romantic and madly honest love declaration quotes. Enjoy!           

1. I love you for all that you are

Good morning my love quotes: goodmorningmylove.com

There is something ethereal about loving someone so completely and knowing that you will continue to love them through everything. Knowing that this is it for you, no matter how much everything changes kind of has a crazy good feel about it that you just want to let your partner know about.

2. I love you more than words can say

Sometimes you might feel like just saying 'I love you' is not enough. It doesn't express all that you're feeling inside for this person and really it seems no words can out this feeling in perspective clear enough for him/her to get just how much you completely love them. Saying nothing at all can say it toowink

3. You are my strength and my weakness

If you could take a bullet for this human being, you'd do it without even thinking twice. If they needed you to lift Mt. Fiji, you'd probably do that too. The love you feel for your partner is your weakness as much as it is your strength and you'd do anything for them.

4. You are my sunshine

Sometimes you just want to go all the way with your baby love and tell them just how much you love them and how much they mean to you. The laughter and warmth they've brought into your life and how they just make everything so much better just by loving you.

5. I treasure every moment with you

'Every moment spent with you... is a moment I treasure' so goes the song and so goes the beat of your heart. There is something magical about the moments you spend with your love, even the sun seems to shine just a bit differently and your heart is so happy it's a dream come true.             


Declaration of love quotes: good morning my love quotes.com

Nothing can change my love for you quotes Nothing can change my love for you quotes

We are channeling our inner George Benson- the really cool guy that sings about love not changing- and telling the love of your life that nothing's gonna change your love for them and that your days would be empty if you had to live without them near you. You could literally use the whole of that song as an endless well of romantic quotes and some additional quotes that will make your partner feel like the most loved human on the planet.

6. Not even time can change my love for you

So you've been together for a really long time and you feel like your love for your partner grows just a little bit more each day. True love is when time doesn't lessen the love but seems to make the bond stronger and the fire burning for the both of you.

Cute love quotes: @mr.K/ Pinterest

7. I love you and nothing's changing that

When you just know from the depths of your heart that what you're feeling is the forever kind of thing and not just some feeling that will pass is the most romantic and scariest thing but what is love is it doesn't make your heart work overtime a little bit?

I love you quotes: lovable quote.com

8. There's no pretending, I'll love you even in death

This one of the most adorable and honest quotes I've come across... That you can't hide how deeply you feel for this person and it's time they know that even after you're both gone from this life, you will still love them. 

love quotes: @imgur/ Pinterest

9. I will forever choose you

Even if you had a million and one choices to make every day about who you'd rather spend your days with, the answer only ever comes around to one human being. This is what it means to love someone, that you will choose them without even thinking about it because they are your whole life.

10. I'm in this forever with you

Loving someone and choosing to walk this journey with them for the long haul just means that you're choosing them forever and the journey with them is never coming to an end. It's forever the two of you on the road of love.

Love quotes: @quotesayings.net/ Pinterest

I can't explain my love for you quotes

Trying to get the words out but you're feeling all tongue-tied? No worries. we got you with these quotes that will express it for you just so.

11. Trying to explain my love is like trying to count the stars

Ever sat under a full night sky and you tried counting the stars in our galaxy alone? Well, it is impossible to do and so it is trying to explain how much I love you.                                 

Love quotes for you: @bestlovequotelove.com/ Pinterest

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12. It's impossible to explain my love

There's nothing more frustrating than when your partner doesn't understand just how much you love them and you can't fully explain it because you lack the proper words to tell them. Hopefully, they do one day.

13. You can't understand the depth of my love for you

So now you want them to see through your eyes so they can understand how much they mean to you. They are the center of your universe and that's just putting it lightly. They are the most precious thing and you'll love them forever and a day. You truly feel this way even if the words fail you.

Love quotes: @quotesdaily.net/ Pinterest

14. I can't explain what I see in you

When people, even your lover, don't see what makes them so special, you might lack the words to tell them what it is you see. It's not that you're faking it, you just see everything, including your own future reflected in their eyes and how do you explain some of these things without sounding a little crazy?

Love quotes: @sumcoco.com/ Pinterest

15. I can't explain why or how I love you

It's all about the honesty and what's more honest than this? When you can't give a proper reason why you love them, or how it started or when. You can't pinpoint anything about your love for them, you just know that you were sucked into the vortex that is their love and loving them is the only thing you know to do. You just love them because you know no other way.   

Never doubt and never underestimate my love for you quotes

16. I love you too much

Love has the ability to reduce a man to a mere child and bring out all his insecurities to the surface. When he gets afraid of losing you that it becomes a legitimate fear. When you mean everything to a person that they are so fundamentally afraid to lose you, then definitely don't take them for granted.

Love quotes: @godfatherstyle.com/ Pinterest

17. I love you and only you

I love you so much, I am going to say Iloveyou without any spaces so you know just how serious I am. There's no one but you for me and there is no one for you but me. No space between us means that we will be together forever and I know it sounds a little creepy but it is also very true. 
If this is how you feel then here's the quote just for you.

Love quotes: @quotesayings.net/ Pinterest

18. I'd still love you

This soul-bearing quote says it all. We all have that one person that we'd still love no matter how badly they hurt us. You know you shouldn't underestimate the strength of your love when you come to this realization.

quote by @pippalove: weheartit.com/quotes

19. What I love you means

Saying 'I love you' isn't just for the semantics of it. It means something to the person saying it. He means that he's willing to go to the ends of the world for you and that's something you shouldn't mess around with.

20. You are my everything

You know you mean business in love when just the thought of losing your partner is enough to send you into a craze. This person has become the fiber that holds your entire world together and you're pretty certain that just one string coming off would unravel the whole thing.

I love you quotes: @girlterest.com/ Pinterest


Now that we've given you the tools to express how you feel to your loved one, we feel confident enough to send you out in the world and express how you feel using some of the most romantic quotes ever written by man and may your love conquer all!heart

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