15 Obvious Signs That Someone Is Strongly Attracted To You

And you are still oblivious to the signs of the strong attraction

By Aey
15 Obvious Signs That Someone Is Strongly Attracted To You

Intense And Deep Attraction But Oblivious?

At times most of us end up confusing someone's deep attraction to us like them just being friendly. Due to this, we end up not realizing that maybe a friend wants to be more than just friends or that coworker wants to get to know you better, that person you met recently would love to spend more time with you and so on and so forth. All these excuses have a deeper meaning to them and our ignorance gets in the way. There is no harm in getting to know those people better because you might just connect, the spark might just light up for you.

15 Signs Of Strong Physical Attraction

From A Co-Worker

1. Their eyes are constantly on you

You’re working at your own workstation at the office, you’re hanging out with a group of friends from work, you’re in a meeting, having your lunch break or just making photocopies but you feel them just constantly staring at you. This stare is not a creepy stare but a stare that shows they want to talk to you or want to be friends with you and they are just trying to find the courage to do so. Give them a green signal if you think there is potential.

2. They talk to you….. a lot

In the entire office, you’re the one person they are always having a conversation with. You realize that they are much more comfortable with you than the others and they’d much rather hang out with you than with everyone else. That extra bit of effort they put to talk to you when at work and when you’re away from work also shows that physical attraction which is present but you’re just failing to catch on to.

3. They want to know your relationship status

Not everyone you know would want to know your dating history or your present dating scene. If they start to really put in all that effort with their conversations, they are caught staring at you and now are inquisitive with regards to your dating life then know what’s up. The fact is that they just want to see if the coast is clear for them to make a move to ask you out.

4. They give you all their attention

Even when they are working but you walk up to them, they would leave everything aside just to talk to you and only you regardless of their tight deadlines. They make sure that you have their undivided attention with whatever you might need help with and they make sure to be extra helpful just to you. This is another sign of them being attracted to you as not everyone puts work on hold for another.

5. They’ll want to make you laugh

They would constantly be jolly and fun with you just to see you laugh. Not only will they frequently crack jokes but would make sure to do anything and everything from pranks to sharing memes just to get you to laugh and have a good time. If someone is putting in that effort to bring a smile on your face then there's definitely something there.

From a Woman

6. She puts in an extra effort

Women love to dress up and make themselves look presentable but you can really judge if she is making an effort for you or not. If she is dressing up more as compared to when going out with friends, when she decides to text first and not wait and when she tries her best to strike a conversation then that is for sure a sign. Women don’t always make moves first so try to see what’s really going on.

7. Eye movement

As odd as this might sound but eye movement becomes key when finding out if someone is physically attracted to you. Lots of studies show that if someone's pupils dilate when they are having a conversation with you; it shows that they like looking at you. Another sign is that if it’s hard for her to hold eye contact with you because she’s shy and women don’t get shy around a random person unless there are some feelings involved.

8. Personal questions

If she wants to get to know more about you, about your family and friends, work, past, etc. then she is making an effort every other girl might not make. The only reason she could be asking you these is to get to know you better and that means it’s not a one night stand or a time pass relationship for so open up and talk about life if you feel the same way about her.

9. She laughs at your jokes

You can make all the jokes you want and play all the pranks you want to impress the girl you like but what it boils down to at the end of the day is her reaction. So, you need to see if she laughs at your jokes or not and anyone can differentiate between a genuine laugh and fake laugh. If jokes that are mostly returned with a blank expression of a friend is suddenly ‘too funny’ for a girl than that an obvious sign that she’s attracted to you.

10. Compliments you often

If she compliments you often on how you look, how you dress, how smart you are etc. then this is another sign that she might be physically attracted to you. Women don’t go around giving fake compliments to anyone and everyone and if she is genuinely making an effort without you complimenting her first then know that she means it and is probably physically attracted to you.

From Someone, You Just Met

11. They want to hang out with you constantly

If they put in the effort to text or call you, if they constantly want to hang out and spend time with you then take this as a sign. All of us are busy in our everyday lives and end up spending time with people that we genuinely want to spend time with and if a person you just met wants to spend their time with you then that becomes a sign of them being interested in you.

12. They ask your opinion

People take opinions from people they genuinely care about and trust and whose opinion would actually matter to them. These opinions can be about anything and everything and if you find yourself being asked for your opinions about things that matter to them then just know you’re already on their list of trusted people. It might just end up going somewhere if you put in the effort from your end too if you have the same feelings.

13. They want you to meet their friends

We all have friends who we can trust with our lives and when we find someone new, the opinion of our friends matter a lot to us. When we introduce a love interest to our friends, it’s mostly because we’re serious about them. Just like that, if they want to meet your friends or introduce you to their own circle, know that they definitely want to be more involved in your life.

14. They ask about your past

If they inquire about your past and try to assess why your relationships didn’t work out then they are trying to get more information on you. They want to know what kind of traits you like and dislike in your significant other and want to know why things went downhill previously. If they want details, they want those to put in their amount of effort in order to pursue you and that is one of the major signs.

15. They are honest

Check and see if they are honest with you or not. If they don’t feel ashamed of sharing their embarrassing moments in life, heartbreaking moments and just anything they might hold personal and close to them then they are for sure physically attracted to you. At times people in relationships for months fail to share personal experiences but if you catch this on with someone you just met then take this as one of the biggest signs.

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It is okay to be oblivious of what goes around you at times but we shouldn’t let that fall to our detriment. We end up spending years finding our true soul mate not realizing that they were under our noses throughout and our ignorance let them slip away making them think we are not interested. Therefore, it is important to keep a lookout for a few signs like the ones mentioned above in order to not only see where things go but back out of situations you might not be interested in. At the end of the day, it’s all about signs and actions.