30 Heartfelt Messages To Write To The Bride and The Groom

30 Heartfelt Messages To Write To The Bride and The Groom

Messages to take reference when you are lost for words

By Caren M
30 Heartfelt Messages To Write To The Bride and The Groom

How A Personalized Message Can Strengthen Your Friendship

Writing the perfect message to the bride and groom can seem like such a daunting task, especially you are not a person of many words but writing a message from the heart will go a long way after the ceremony.

a) They will get insight on just how much they mean to you

 The pair will see how much they mean to you through the words you penned down and that you took the time to write something so heartfelt will tell them just how much they mean to you.

b) They will feel loved and appreciated

The bride and groom just broke their backs and bank accounts to make sure that you have a good time at their wedding. Writing a little note of appreciation will be deeply appreciated.

c) Lift their spirits

Weddings are a tough affair to plan and by the end of it, the couple may have their spirits frayed around the edges. Words have the power to heal and this will give them the affirmation that they did a good thing.

30 Heartfelt Messages You Can Take Reference On

Without further-a-do, here are 30 of the most heartfelt wedding messages you can write to a wedded couple for their special day.

For the Groom

1. It means so much to witness the joy of your wedding day. Congratulations to you both on finding the perfect person to share all your days with.

2. Seeing you two make promises and step forward into the future is so inspiring and wonderful.

3. Be happy, be grateful, and love each other well

4. Two become one’—what a beautiful thing. Congratulations!

5. You guys are great together! So happy for you!

6. Congratulations on a beautiful wedding. You two were meant for each other!

For the Bride

Sample full message should follow this structure:

7. Dear Sophie,

Congratulations on finally saying ‘I do’! I am so happy for you and Noah… I am honored to be involved in your big day.

I remember the day we met Noah and his friends during our hiking trip; who knew that that was the moment that you met your soulmate! I knew by the end of that trip that you two made a rare and beautiful connection. The way he looks at you is something very special.

My wish for you is a marriage full of happiness, love and lifelong friendship.

“A happy marriage is a long conversation which always seems too short” -Andre Maurois

Love always,


8. The way he looks at you would make the girl from The Notebook jealous, seriously. I am so happy that you have found your true love and that you have formed such an unbreakable bond. May you experience every happiness that marriage has to offer.

9. Congratulations on finding true love! I am so happy for you. From today onward, may you be twice as happy as we thought you’d be. Here’s to a wonderful ceremony and an even better long and happy life together. Wishing you all the best on your special day.

10. I can’t wait to have you for my daughter-in-law. Love you already! -This can come from either the mother or father of the groom as they welcome the new addition to the family.

11. You’re beautiful inside and out, and you deserve all the happiness ahead of you.

12. As your friend/ family, I couldn’t be more excited to share your joy and cheer you and Chris on. I remember when you had first told me he was the one and your intuition was right. Carry that same intuition with you as you get married. I’m truly proud of the woman you have become.

From the Bridesmaid

13. You are such a special, kind, and beautiful friend. Mark better treat you right—or else he’ll have me to answer to! Best wishes to you both.

14. I could tell you how much I love you and cherish our friendship, and how you mean more to me than anyone in this world, and that you and Wes are the most perfect couple that ever lived—but I’d probably break down and start ugly crying. So, in the interest of saving my mascara, let me just say this: Congratulations! Wishing you nothing but the best.

15. Forget Beyoncé and Jay-Z. You two are the epitome of #RelationshipGoals. Wishing you the best on your wedding day!

16. In the words of the great philosopher Phoebe Buffay, congratulations on finding your “lobster.” I knew from day one that you two were meant to be.

17. Congratulations! May you forever stay consciously coupled.

18. Wishing you all the best today, on your wedding day, and in your life together.

From the Best man

19. On the happiest of wedding days, I’d love to leave you with a quote on love: “Love is not about possession. Love is about appreciation.

20. I don’t know if there’s such a thing as fate, but you two are the closest thing to making me believe it. Congratulations! I’ve never seen such a loving and nurturing couple before. Our sincerest wedding wishes!

21. You two are joining hands in matrimony today, and you have a wide support system as well. Through thick and thin, you’ve got so much love and encouragement backing you two. Congratulations on this most splendid wedding day.

22. Remember spanking is only permissible if it’s consensual. Best wedding wishes for your happy marriage!

23. For all the years I’ve known you, this is by far the best thing you’ve ever done for yourself. Congrats brother.

24. Y’all ready to consummate or what? Congrats you two.

from family members (funny)

25. Looking forward to having you as part of the family! We’re a little weird, sure—but we mean well.

26. Maria, welcome to our big, crazy family! Rob, what a lucky guy you are. Congratulations and lots of love to you both.

27. Today you officially become your very own family of 2. So glad to have you both as part of our bigger family, too!

When you can't make it

If you can't make it to the wedding, it is still okay to write the bride and groom a message of congratulations as you apologize for missing their big day.

28. As you lift your glasses to each other tonight, I lift mine to you both from afar. Here’s to a truly amazing couple and to a marriage filled with every happiness.

29. So sorry I couldn’t be there to celebrate with you. But even though I’ll miss the dress, the bouquet, and the first dance, I would never miss the chance to wish you all the very best in life as you begin this amazing journey together!

30. Congratulations on your big day. I wish we could be there to see it.

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Writing a meaningful, heartfelt message to the bride and groom lets them know that you care about them. It's a gesture that remains with them for a long time after the ceremony and helps remind them why they said 'I do'. Take your time and follow our lead to create something phenomenon that the pair will remember forever.