How Sending "I Love You" Quotes Daily Saved My Marriage
The power of daily love quotes and how it helped my marriage
Dec 09, 2019

Power of Daily Love Quotes

"I Love You" three little words, but they hold such great power. The power to heal, the power to transform, the power to survive, the power to endure, the power to revive... we can go on; you know what else? they never go out of style. The best thing about them is that there are many ways to express them. You can say those three words to your husband's face or you can give them to him in the form of simple I love you quotes. You can send them to him in a private text or you can share in Social Media or you can write them on post-its and place them in special places.
Hearing those three words from the person you love is powerful too. Jus the word love holds great power, now attach I and YOU to it and it can transform a person and a relationship. Expressing I love you to the love of your life, whether it is the first time or the 1,000th time, is going to mean the world to them. If you're committed to each other you will never get tired of hearing or saying them.
The thing is that if you've been in a marriage for some time, there's the risk of falling into a routine and taking each other for granted. That's when "I love you" transforms into "good morning" or "I'm running late, could you please pick up the kids and start dinner?" And that is not conducive to romance, the words start to fall into deaf ears and then it's easy to forget why the two of you are together. That's why it's important to tell each other I Love You on a daily basis and a great and very creative way to do that is by sending of giving each other I Love You quotes daily.
How Sending Daily Love Quotes Save My Marriage

Still not sold on the power of sending your beloved "I Love You" quotes daily? Pay attention to this beautiful story. Ben and Holly have been married for 45 years (that is impressive and we're sure a lot of you aim to that number or more right?), but like many couples, some of those years were not easy. In fact, during those 45 years, there was a time when both of them considered ending things because they were fed up with each other. It was when they experience the dreaded "empty nest", their kids were gone from home and now there were just the two of them.
Ben admits that at the beginning of their marriage, he was the most affectionate husband telling Holly that he loved her every day. Holly wasn't as affectionate but she said it back and they both felt cherished. But then, life happened, (kids, mortgages, family responsibilities, work), the daily I love yous were replaced by other not romantic words or phrases like, "Good day, see you later" or "Could you pick milk on your way home?" or "How are we going to pay for tuition?" They forgot to say to each other those three powerful words, they took them for granted because they were busy with life.
When there were no more buffers between them, they didn't know how to be a couple. Ben knew he loved Holly and Holly still loved Ben, they had just forgotten to tell each other. Divorced was contemplated but before the decision was final, Ben listened on a Podcast about relationships (a friend had recommended he listened to it) a simple but powerful tip:" there are many ways to express love to your wife, if you find it difficult to say those three words, borrow them from poets, authors, movies or songs and delivered them to her in the form of I love you daily quotes."

Ben said he liked the idea and decided to give it try, deep down he wanted to save his marriage. So, he started looking everywhere for love quotes and started to deliver them to Holly in little post-its placed strategically so she can read them daily. The first two weeks she didn't say anything to him, but he knew she read them. What he didn't know is that after a week of reading them, Holly's heart was starting to melt and that she decided to do something special for him with his quotes. She bought an album and started collecting the notes there. She also was pairing them with some of her own.
One day, he found a note saying "I Love You Too, meet me at our favorite place". Things were looking good. When Ben got there, he found Holly waiting for him with a gift. She presented him with the album with all his daily love quotes and told him that she wanted to stay married to him but that she had one condition, they had to promise never to forget to say I Love You daily. It didn't matter in which way, they just had to acknowledge it daily for the rest of their lives.
Ben and Holly just celebrated their 45th anniversary and they both have kept that promise. More than the daily quotes, the real power was love and how they express it every day, no matter what.
I Love You Quotes For Her

Now that you know there's power in sending her daily love quotes, we'll leave you with some inspiration so you can start expressing your love for her ASAP.
"From dating to wedding, from mortgage to kids, life has been a wonderful ride because you were there at my side, through it all. I love you forever." -Unknown
"Your heart is full of love and affection. Your hands are always caring. I am lucky to have you as my wife." -Unknown
"You are the iron in my shield, the wind in my sails, and the beat of my heart. My sweet loving wife, we are perfect together!" -Unknown
"I swear I couldn't love you more than I do right now, and yet I know I will tomorrow." -Leo Christopher
"In this crazy world, full of change and chaos, there is one thing in which I am certain, one thing which does not change: my love for you." -Unknown

"I am in love with your smile, your voice, your body, your laugh, your eyes. But most of all, I am in love with you." -Unknown
"I love every moment spent with you, your love has touched my heart." -Unknown
"Reaching for your hand brings me such joy and knowing that you are mine forever brings me peace." -Unknown
"We have lived through so many things together - happiness, sadness, fights, and caresses. I love thinking about everything we have been through together if I had to choose again I would do the same. I love you, my life." Unknown
"Some people have searched their whole lives to find what I found in you." -Unknown
I Love You Quotes For Him

These love quotes can melt his heart, send them to him daily.
"Babe, thank you for coming into my life. Thank you for making me smile like crazy. Thank you for making me happy." -The LoveBits
"Your love shines in my heart as the sun that shines upon the earth." -Eleanor Di Guillo
"I have a crush on your mind, I fell for your personality, and your looks are just a big bonus." -The Notebook
"I say this to you now: I love you, with no beginning, no end. I love you as you have become an extra necessary organ in my body. I love you as only a girl could love a boy. Without fear, without expectations. Wanting nothing in return, except that you allow me to keep you here in my heart, that I may always know your strength, your eyes, and your spirit that gave me freedom and let me fly." -Jamie Weise
"It's always been yours, I cannot find another this heart will beat for." -S.L. Gray

"You were a bright star, the one that keeps on shining on me every day of my life." -Unknown
"For it was not into my ear you whispered, but into my heart. I was not my lips you kissed, but my soul." -Judy Garland
"No matter where I went, I always knew my way back to you. You are my compass star." -Diana Peterfreund
"In vain have I struggled. It will not do. My feelings will not be repressed. You must allow me to tell you how ardently I admire and love you." -Jane Austen
"I am catastrophically in love with you." -Cassandra Clare

Love quotes so well that even the distance cannot make a difference

Don't take your spouse and your marriage for granted, you love each other so tell each other daily that. Daily "I Love You" quotes have power, use it every day.