How to Get Someone To Like You For Who You Are?

Shred away the impostor syndrome and start being the real you

By Sid
How to Get Someone To Like You For Who You Are?

What's Imposter Syndrome


Imposter Syndrome is a psychological pattern in which one doubts their accomplishments and has a never-ending fear of not being good enough for what they are doing. These feelings could manifest themselves in different forms in various people, e.g., a perfectionist will feel like he/she didn’t reach their fullest potential even if they achieved 99% of what they initially aimed to do. More examples could be seen in how an expert might feel the need to know everything regarding a particular topic or when a ‘genius child’ has to put in an effort into a task or a soloist may prefer working on his as he considers asking for help a sign of weakness or when ‘the superhero’ feels the need to push his/her boundaries to work hard to feel good about themselves, so their brain will redirect them to the idea that they aren’t good enough for a particular piece of work.

Figuring out as to why someone may experience such a dilemma could leave on to open-ended questions as one can not point their fingers to one particular reason. Several factors like childhood experiences, parents, environment, and discrimination of any sort may influence imposter feelings to spur in a person’s mind. These strands of evocation may translate themselves into permanent habits-like self-doubt, underestimating yourself, fear that you won’t live up to your expectations, and setting challenging goals after which you feel disappointed if you fall short of what you hoped to achieve- later on in life.

When one feels like he/she isn’t doing enough so they channel their frustration in other aspects of their lives, such as their workplace, home, or personal affairs, which could prove detrimental in the long-run. Other people might eventually start to treat you the way you treat yourself; this will backfire at some stage in your life as you will then start to believe the deeply ingrained beliefs that you hold about yourself. There are several ways to cope with this imposter syndrome to prevent ruinous effects that might cave into one’s life. You need to start by asking yourself questions like:

  • “How do I perceive myself to be?”
  • “Do I believe that I’m worthy of attention and love?”
  • “How do I expect others to treat me and what image do I expect others to have of me?”

After you have answered these questions, you will feel more comfortable as you move to the next step in the process to overcome this insecurity. Firstly, you can start by talking to someone about your feelings as at times irrational thoughts begin to fester if they are not talked about. Secondly, helping those who are in the same situation as you are in will help you build your self-confidence over time. Thirdly, questioning your irrational thoughts and not comparing yourself to different gauges of success will help you make sense of the situation easily. This will go hand in hand with the idea of not fighting your feelings as brushing your feelings under the carpet will only stop you from unraveling your true potential. This leaves us to the conclusion that one should not hold back from being their true selves as others will accept you for who you are if you are comfortable within your skin first.

4 Reasons why you need to start being the real you

1. You will establish your identity


When you build a solid foundation around your own beliefs and values, you can establish your own identity. This will prove beneficial in quite a few ways as you will not question yourself during times of difficulty and you will always know what your worth is.

2. You will find focus and direction

When you start being the real you, you break free from the shackles of the expectations that other people have from you. You are then able to stay focused and take whatever path that you need to accomplish the goals that you set for yourself.

3. You will experience the joy of inner peace


When you start to live up to other people’s expectations, you forget what you truly desire which makes the act in itself exhausting. However, when you start to feel good within your skin, a feeling of calm starts to resonate with your aura.

4. You won’t lose sight of your dreams

The longer you ignore your passion, the more distant your dreams will seem. Being yourself will allow you to embrace your flaws and strengths all the while working towards the dream that you hope to achieve.

10 Ways to get someone to like you for who you are

1. Be yourself


Standing up for what you believe in is important as you showcase your values to the world which serves the basis of authenticity in a world where everyone seems to be dishonest about who they are. Being yourself means respecting yourself and being honest not only with yourself but also with those around you.

2. Seek someone else’s thoughts and opinions without making them your own

Listening to what others have to say without making their opinions and beliefs your own in a compulsion for them to like you is important if you want someone to like you for the real you. Secondly, remembering and keeping the thought of not judging others on face-value will help you stay close to reality.

3. Take care of people's feelings


One of the fundamental rules of making someone like you is by correcting them by not hurting their feelings. The majority of the people hate being corrected as they consider it a hit on their fragile ego, so learning when to and when not to contradict someone on their beliefs is a skill that will help you get past the budding stages of getting to know someone on a personal level.

4. Be a good listener

Focusing more on what the other person is saying. The trick is to keep a note of what they are saying and asking them questions about things that catch your interest.

5. Ask questions


Asking questions when you are trying to help someone out will show them that you are interested in what they are saying. This will make them more likely to ask for help in the future.

6. Admit that you don’t know the answers to everything

If your conceited attitude doesn’t leave room for growth or it doesn’t allow you to ask questions, you may come off as someone who’s trying to push people to work on your terms. This attitude will only further push people away from you as it is less likely that they will reach out to ‘Mr.-know it all’ for help.

7. Admit your weaknesses


Admitting your shortcomings more frequently will enable you to question certain challenges that you face along with the benefit of a few people helping you by coming up with solutions.

8. Try to display positive emotions

If you want others to feel happy, try your best to communicate positive emotions towards them. A research paper at the University of Ohio states that people can subconsciously sense the intensity and nature of the moods around them. This is why people often mimic the other person’s expressions or gestures without even taking into account of this in the first place.

9. Emphasize shared values


By making others feel that you have something in common will subject them to the similarity- attraction principle where people like those individuals who have similar attitudes towards topics that they have an interest in.

10. Be a little vulnerable

Emotional openness involves risks but without this, one may never know the essence of important traits in ideal companions. Telling other people about your insecurities, fear, and shortcomings will help them open up to you over time as well.

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Overall, we see that the imposter’s syndrome can be dealt with if you make yourself more approachable by the steps mentioned above. Such insecurities should be taken care of at an early stage in life so that they do not influence beliefs that will be deep-rooted in any other ideology that you may have regarding any topic.