9 Ways To Actually Get An Aries Man To Commit

How to get an Aries man to hook and be obsessed with only you

By Evelyn
9 Ways To Actually Get An Aries Man To Commit

Aries Man as Someone Who Is Unable To Settle

Has an Aries man caught your attention? Are you wondering if he's a good match for you? There are some things you need to know before you go and invest your time and heart pursuing an Aries man. Of all astrology, Aries men are probably the most misunderstood, they're stereotype as uncaring and aggressive and not being able to settle. But, is this true? Well, here are a few truths about Aries men that can help you better understand him and why he can take his time to settle and commit to a relationship. 

Being the first sign of the zodiac, Aries men are always number one. What this means is that an Aries man needs lots of attention. This could sound very narcissistic, but this self-absorption comes more from the certainty an Aries mas has on his own capabilities and he's not shy about being the center of attention. However, this is his public persona, his private intimate persona is more vulnerable than what you could expect. You may not notice this because he tends to mask it with humor 

Aries is represented by the Ram, which explains his stubbornness. An Aries man can also be driven, passionate, and a mover and shake when it comes to making things happen for him and his community. An Aries man has so much energy it could make you dizzy. This energy is kinetic and powerful, he'll have a very hard time trying to stay still or trying to relax. All this inability to stay still can either be good or bad in terms of relationships. For the good part, this energy makes him a fun guy to have around, you'll never be bored with him. The bad part is that is can be exhausting trying to keep up with him. he won't be able to settle as you'd like.  

Personality-wise, there's no middle for an Aries man, he possesses an extreme personality, which makes him a very hard sign to pair with because he doesn't make it easy. You'll have to be very clear on what you what and not afraid to speak your mind. He also has a dominant personality, so the idea of commitment and being in a relationship with you has to come from him. you can't pressure him into anything because then you're practically saying goodby to any kind of romantic and committed relationship with him.

If anything is not his idea, he won't go for it. He'll resist and won't commit to you. He may really like you, but he won't be able to settle until he's ready, not a moment before. Aries men struggle a lot with forming bonds, and this is what makes settling down for them really hard. If you're really into him, you'll need to be patient if you want to move with him to something more committed. It'll be worth it though because once an Aries man is committed and in love, he's very loyal.

9 Ways to Get An Aries Man to Commit to You

Have you fallen in love with your Aries man and are wondering how you can get him to commit to you? The first thing you need to know is that Aries men love to lead and you won't get anywhere with him if you're not a little bit forward or action-oriented. Aries men are bold and adventurous and they'll expect their partners to have an adventurous streak too. Keep in mind that he won't relinquish his leadership easily, so if you have a controlling personality and like to take the lead to, you'll have to aim for a compromise where both of you take turns taking the lead, to balance things out and making things easier and happier.

Here are some suggestions on how you can get your Aries man to commit to you.

1. Engage him in some witty banter

For Aries men, love is somewhat of a battlefield. So if you want a shot at getting some kind of commitment from him, you need to show him you can dish some witty (loaded with some double entendres) once in a while. The same applies if you get into some kind of argument and (due to his volatile personality) a fight begins. Be sure to stand for yourself and don't be afraid to defend your opinions and actions intelligently of course. You being able to go toe-to-toe with him... he'll find that intoxicating. 

2. Show him you're a strong and independent woman

Aries men like to help ladies in distress (especially if they dig them) but if you're always "on distress" that's a turn off for them. He'll be happy to help you change a fuse, for example. But, if you want things to progress with him, then learn how to do that, so that next time that happens you won't depend on him to fix it. You'll impress him with your need to learn and be independent and strong. 

3. Show him your mental prowess

Aries men love to excel at everything they do, and having someone by their side who can keep up with them intellectually is a total turn-on. So, don't be afraid to show him how sharp you are, but beware that you don't ever make others feel intellectually inferior when interacting with them because that's a big strike. Aries men love to champion the underdog, so if he's a witness to your put down, he'll question his attraction to you and you can kiss your chances of a commitment goodbye.  

How to Move Forward With An Aries Man

You're going on the right path, he's slowly coming to realize that he can have a committed relationship with you. Just remember, that he won't be forced into anything, he has to come to this realization on his own. We know that you're impatient to move forward with your Aries man but all good comes to those who are patient. Here are some other ways on how you can get an Aries man to consider first dating you, then marrying you. 

How to Move on Towards Dating

You've got him, now it's time to keep him interested. If you want to move on to dating your Aries man don't allow for him to lose interest in you otherwise the relationship could suffer.

4. Show him you can handle conflict with maturity

You will not be able to avoid fights, and you know that he likes that you can banter with him. After all, you're with a man that's ruled by the planet Mars. The secret here is to handle the disagreements and conflicts maturely. You can hold you own not by starting a shouting match but by staying calm, he'll appreciate you're coolness under pressure once he's calmed down.

5. Keep up with him sexually

Being with an Aries man means you're in for a treat. Sex with an Aries man is an athletic affair, right? He's a passionate man that likes to keep things interesting in the bedroom and you have reaped the benefits. The thing is that for him making love is a crucial part of a relationship so keep the flame going there and try to be a little adventurous, he'll love it. 

6. Embrace the adventurer in you

Aires men are adventurous by nature, they like the adrenaline and the energy so you need to be his par on this too. So if you have an adventurer side, this is the time to embrace. He'll love that you want to go with him rock climbing or paragliding or do some martial arts, Maybe you haven't done these things before but letting him know that you want to share and explore your adventurous side will make him love you more.

How to Move on Towards Marriage

Ok, you've got him to date you and now you're pretty sure he's the one. How to get him to pop the question and mean it? The thing about Aries men is that they like to plow ahead, they don't like to go slow and that in terms of long-term relationships and marriage is not a good idea. So how can you make it last forever with your Aries man?

7. Go slow but steady

Don't let him jump right to it, he won't feel right about it after the adrenaline comes down. His tendency to rush into things won't allow him to see how amazing you are and how great you two are together. He can't help his nature but if you want him for the long run don't let him rush into anything. If you want the possibility of marriage with him, take it easy. Make sure you spend enough time knowing each other and having fun so things don't burn out before time.

8. Don't come off as clingy and eager for a proposal

You definitely don't want to pressure your Aires man to propose to you. You'll come across as needy and he won't do anything he doesn't want to do anyway. What you need to do is make him chase after you. He can't resist excitement and intrigue, so offer him that. Stay mysterious, maybe don't be available every time he calls.

9. Challenge him

Holding your own around your Aries man can prove difficult but deep inside that's what he wants and needs in a forever partner. Don't always go along with everything he says, offer your points of view and when you don't feel like it, say no. He wants a partner who can claim what she wants and own it. He wants a wife who can conquer the world by his side, show him you can be that partner.

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Getting an Aries man to commit is not easy but it's doable if you're willing to be patient and hold your own.