10 Secret Ways To Text Your Crush Without Being Annoying

10 Secret Ways To Text Your Crush Without Being Annoying

This is 10 secret ways to text your crush without being annoying. Tips such as texting on occasion, not texting back right away, sending pictures, when to send memes, what days are best for texting are all great ways to text your crush without being overwhelming or annoying. The best way to text your crush is to not text too often! So follow these guidelines and you should be good to go. Remember to keep yourself a priority and always look for clues whether the person is interested in you back. You don’t want to waste your time and energy on someone who is not noticing your attempts. You are better off spending your energy with someone who is giving you clues back. This will result in a faster turnaround of text to relationship. So remember, text every once in a while, but don’t text often, and always see how they respond back.

By Annabel Crystal
10 Secret Ways To Text Your Crush Without Being Annoying

Text your crush early in the morning without being annoying

The best secret way to text your crush without being annoying while still flirting is to text them early in the morning with “hey cutie” every once in a while, definitely not every morning, but once every few weeks. They would perceive you as being caring but not being over bearing, naggy, or needy. It is important to text periodically while simultaneously keeping your distance so they know that you are an independent person. Also, since most people do not text in the morning - it is a cute and spontaneous way to reach out to someone. “Hey cutie” also does not indicate the initiation of a long conversation - it’s more of a short check in, so the person receiving the text will not feel pressured to text too much back, especially if they are not big on texting. There are no excuses for not texting every once in a while these days - don't be shy!

Space out your texts

One secret to text your crush without being annoying is to pace out your texts so they don’t feel overwhelmed by you. Even mark the days that you do text them in your calendar so that you don’t feel anxiety or overwhelmed by having to keep track. You might be surprised to find out that you are either texting too often or not enough. You want your crush to know you are around and possibly interested, you want to encourage them every now and then, especially if they are shy. Keeping a spaced out pace of texts will also encourage them to text you first, once in a while. If they haven’t heard from you in a while and are accustomed to talking to you, they might reach out first just to see what you are up to. One example is to text the person on a Wednesday but then don’t text again until the following Thursday. Keep the days & times paced out as well - so you become spontaneous.

#texting story. Friends

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Don't respond to a text right away

Another secret to texting your crush without being annoying is to space out your reply times after they text you. Every once in a while, wait 30 minutes to an hour to respond. This way you do not seem too overeager. And then you can counter the spaced out text with faster texts a few days later. Remain unpredictable! It’s important to let the person know that they are not your priority. This is an attractive quality in a person. If you feel confident enough - you can even wait up to two days to text someone back! This will definitely make you seem more mysterious. Make up excuses as to why you weren't able to respond right away - it keeps it interesting.

Text your crush a sweet photo

A secret way to text your crush without being annoying, every once in a while, is to send a photo of what you are doing. Its more personal than a written text and it helps them visualize exactly what you are up to. Sending them a photo of you that is not already on instagram or social media will also feel more personal. If you text them a photo that you posted on social media, and they may have already seen it, it may seem odd for them to receive this photo in a text. This photo should be sweet - either of you with a dog, or you with your niece - and add a cute message - example: “look at this cute dog I met today”. This is a great way to initiate flirting and initiate a conversation with questions.

Text your crush a photo with you and your friends

A secret way to text your crush without being annoying and to keep your crush excited, while flirting with them is to text them photos of you when you are out with your friends. Especially if you didn’t tell them you were going somewhere. It will be a surprise. Sending fun, flirtatious pictures of yourself doing something will make you seem more relatable and human. If you seem social it will inspire them to want to be around you. And don’t be afraid of the stigma around those 1AM texts! Keep it fun! You want this person to know that you have boundaries, but remain playful - you don’t want to seem uptight, it is a very fine line. One fun consequence of texting at 1AM are late night phone calls - and a lot of truth can come up in those types of calls. Those are the times that you can get to know someone very well. This is also a great time to be flirting, funny and cute without being desperate. This could also initiate a conversation and inspire them to start asking you questions about yourself.

Text your crush every once in a while, but not often

Another way of texting your crush without being annoying is to once in a while text your crush with “hey babe just thinking of you” ! This is a sweet way to let them know you are interested and thinking about them without being obnoxious. Remember, keeping your distance is attractive and lets the other person know that they need to work for your attention. If you are always available to them or texting too often they will either take advantage of you or not appreciate you. There is truth in the saying - distance makes the heart grow fonder. For example, if you haven’t texted your crush in a few weeks - throw this type of text in so they know you haven’t forgotten about them. Also, make sure you take hints from them as well - you don’t want to continue to text someone if they aren't showing any interest in return - that is simply a waste of your time. You also don't want to seen desperate so this is a great way to keep it funny without being desperate.

Let your crush know you are busy

Once in a while, just for fun, if they text you and you are busy: tell them you are busy and that you will text them later. Even if you are not busy ! Pretend that you are! This way you don’t seem too readily available to them at all times. They have no excuse not to plan things sooner with you. This will also surprise them - because most people assume other people are not busy. So placing some boundaries will also help to train the person as to when they should text you and how often. Ambition is also an attractive quality, so if you are always pursuing something, and therefore busy, they will find you more attractive. If your crush texts you last minute wanting to hang out, don’t say yes, even if you want to! This will help give them those boundaries. For example, if they text you at 7pm on a Saturday asking you to go to dinner - tell them you already have dinner plans - and don’t reveal the gender of the person you are having dinner with! This will keep you mysterious. Even if you don’t have plans, pretend that you do! This also keeps you from looking desperate. This may also initiate some questions - and help start a conversation.

Ignore your crush once in a while

One secret to texting your crush without being annoying is to simply ignore them once in a while. It’s not being mean. It’s simply reminding them that you are a priority and they are not. Especially in the early stages of dating, you must remind them (both parties) that your personal self is of utmost importance. The more you respect yourself & your time, the more your partner will! Also, ignoring someone also reminds you to stick to your guns and stick to your own plans. They have no excuse not to try harder. You never want to drop existing plans for someone who is not your significant other yet, especially if you are not certain whether they are taking you seriously or not. Even if they ask you questions, just ignore them and answer them later.

Text your crush without being annoying before you go on a trip

One secret way to text your crush without being annoying is to text them when you are leaving for a trip and tell them you would be excited to see them when you get back! And do not text them the entire time you are away, so they can anticipate your return! Also, do not post too many photos on social media while you are away so that you have something to share with them in person when you get back. This will also help keep you mysterious. Your crush will be wondering what you are up to if you don’t continually post photos on social media - some things are meant to be kept to yourself - do not share every aspect of your life with your new person. Share information piece by piece. This will keep your crush craving more information from you. If you give all information out in the beginning - the mystery will be gone and they might even decide too early on that they do not like you in return. It takes time for people to get accustomed to you - no matter how great you are - and it takes people time to remember things about you. So keep trying but not so hard that you are discouraging yourself. If your crush is not giving you any hints in return, and you are feeling disappointed and sad, move on. Your personal health is of the utmost importance. You have no excuses to keep yourself a priority!

Text your crush a funny meme

One secret way to text your crush without being annoying is to text them with a funny meme at random. Don’t do this too often but every once in a while to keep it spontaneous and different. Make sure the meme is in line with your political beliefs so that you are also teaching them a bit about yourself simultaneously. Even go as far as to create a custom meme using an app! This will also make it more personal. Also, don’t text them with a very well known meme that they have most likely already seen. You can find some really cool low-key memes on tumblr that are not on instagram. There are no excuses not to do this! Showing your crush something new will make them realize how interesting you are and will make them want to be around you. Be very careful with how you select the meme - sending the wrong meme can also be a huge turnoff! So make sure you are aware of what this person’s interests are and are attempting to send them something you know they will like. If you send them something they do not like, they might associate you with what you are sending them and may decide to not text you in return.

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