25 Relationship Red Flags You Should Watch Out For

Red flags are easy to miss in a relationship because most of them can be easily explained away. Don't miss these warning signs! Here's a list of 25 red flags.

By gail rener
25 Relationship Red Flags You Should Watch Out For

How do I spot red flags?

Red flags can be easy to miss because the majority of them can be easily explained away if you're wearing rose-colored glasses. So, to help you point them out, here is a list of 25 red flags to watch out for. This list will help you realize if your current relationship is worth keeping. If your partner shows many of these signs, they are abusive towards you, and you should leave.

1. He or she does not declare their love for you anymore

He or she does not declare their love for you anymore, whether in public or private. This is a tough part of a relationship. It is always hard when someone falls out of love with you. But it does happen, and you should just move on.

2. They use conditions in order to get something from you

Using conditions to get what they want from you is one of the most obvious warning signs you need to look out for. Before, he or she did things for you with no questions asked, but now things are different between the two of you, and nothing happens without an argument. It is time to move on because these are some obvious red flags that the relationship is not right.

3. They barely reply to your text messages

When they suddenly stop replying to your text messages, it is one of the early warning signs that problems are coming. You should end the relationship as soon as you can before things start going downhill.

4. You don’t care for their friends

When your relationship gets to this point, it is one of the clearest warning signs that things are not working out between you two. After all, the company a person keeps says a lot about who they are. You should stop dating this person. If your partner is hanging around people that you do not like, the two of you do not belong together.

5. They don’t spend time with you anymore

They don’t spend time with you anymore including dating- If they are not spending any time with you anymore, then you should leave. If in the beginning, they couldn’t wait to be with you and now they are disappearing this is a warning signs that things are not working out for the two of you. If he or she is not with you, then they are spending time with someone else.

6. You two are always arguing - one of the biggest red flags

Arguing a lot in itself is unhealthy, and when you add it to your relationship, it is ten times worse. You should just split up if you are arguing all the time. Not only is it not good for your relationship, but it also can be a little abusive if your partner constantly picks fights with you. You should pay very close attention to these signs because they are red flags about your relationship.

7. One of you is trying to change the other

Change is a natural part of life. However, if you or your partner is always trying to change the other person, it will not work out either. You should never try to change anybody drastically. If you do not like the person the way they are, then just don’t get involved with them. Changing people never works so just keep looking because clearly, they are not what you are looking for.

8. There is a lack of sex in your relationship

This is another warning sign that you should pay attention to. If your partner suddenly stops having sex with you, then you should move on and find someone who wants to be with you and who wants to have sex with you. Because if they are not giving it to you, then they are giving it to someone else, especially if they love sex.

9. Blaming the other for your problems in your relationship

It is not good to blame others for your problems. If you are having a problem in the relationship, try to solve it. Do not immediately use it as a way to break up with someone. This is one of the more obvious red flags that you should pay attention to.

10. The two of you do not have any chemistry

If you do not have any more chemistry in your relationship, move on. This conspicuous lack of chemistry is a warning sign, and you should just move on and find yourself with someone you truly have chemistry with.

11. Do not touch each other anymore

Now, if your relationship reaches this point then there is no hope for it, and you should just move on. Normally, a man loves to be touched and a woman loves to be touched, but now you can't stand each other. These are red flags and you should pay close attention to them.

12. Refusal to compromise

Compromising is a big deal in all relationships. Once you see this red flag, it is time to call it quits because this behavior is unhealthy and mentally abusive.

13. You only go out with each other because you feel obligated to do so

This is beyond a warning sign, and you should notice this red flag quickly. When a man you are involved with is doing things with you because he feels obligated to do so, that's a big sign that the relationship is failing. When somebody does not want to be with you anymore, you should end it immediately because things will only get worse.

14. You don’t have anything to talk about

When your conversations are empty, you are headed for a break up because you do not have anything to talk about. This also means that you no longer want to share what is going on in your life. In the beginning, perhaps you could not wait to share your day with them. But now that you are quiet, this is a warning sign for sure.

15. Everything your partner does gets on your nerves

This is another one of the most serious red flags you should watch out for. Once upon a time, the little things you used to do were cute to them, but now it is annoying. This is a huge warning sign you should pay attention to because things will come to an end soon.

16. You don’t trust each other anymore

This is among the ultimate red flags of a failing relationship. In the beginning, the trust was there, but now it is gone. Once the trust is gone, the relationship is over. You can not be with somebody you can not trust. Therefore, no trust = no relationship.

17. They don’t care for your family

If the person you are with suddenly stops liking your family, this is a big red flag saying that you should move on. When your man or woman starts to dislike your family, they are starting to lose interest in you. So just move on and find someone else, because the end of your relationship is near and it is unhealthy to keep things going.

18. They are being a selfish person

When your partner starts to only look out for themselves, it is time to go. If they are selfish to other people, it is only a matter of time before they start being selfish to you. Take this red flag seriously because it is a warning sign that your relationship will not survive much longer.

19. They start lying a lot

Once they start lying a lot, it is a huge red flag that you should watch carefully. Once the man or woman you are with becomes a liar, it is time to cross them off your list. They are no longer truthful, and it is time to move on to the next person on your list, if you have one.

20. They are deleting their text messages

If you are with someone who texts you every chance they get, and all of a sudden their text messages are gone, they are hiding something from you. At the beginning of your relationship, they always showed you their messages, but if now, all of a sudden, their messages are deleted, they are definitely hiding something from you. So pay attention to this red flag because the end of your relationship is near.

21. They start yelling and screaming a lot

You know things are coming to an end when they are fussing and yelling and screaming a lot. For one thing, this is unhealthy, and it is a huge red flag. So the best thing you can do is to leave because, like it or not, things are headed that way.

22. They don’t comfort you when you need it

In the beginning, they couldn’t say enough to you, and now they ignore everything you say and how you feel. You just need to move on and find somebody who will comfort you. Because when your partner stops comforting you, they are getting ready to leave you. Do yourself a favor and move on because your relationship is over.

23. They don’t compliment you anymore

In the beginning, they complimented you a lot, and now they barely say hey to you? This is a huge red flag that you should definitely pay attention to. The end of your relationship is near, and you should just move on and find somebody that is worthy of your time. Your partner is on the way out of your life, if they are not with somebody else already.

24. They are sneaky and secretive

In the beginning, they told you everything. But if all of a sudden they don’t tell you a thing, they are on the way out. Once they start being secretive and sneaky, it is time to call it quits in your relationship because things are about to be over. These are some warning signs you need to start paying attention to.

25. They put passwords on everything

At the beginning of your relationship, he or she let you in everything they owned. But now they use passwords for everything they own. This is a huge red flag, and you should pay close attention to this red flag because it is a clear sign that things are about to end. So get ready to move on because the end of your relationship is near.


Red flags are hard to see in a relationship if you really want things to work out with the person you are dating. It is very easy to overlook certain signs because people see what they want to see. People also stay in a relationship where they are being abused because they might not understand what's going on. So if they are still in an abusive relationship, then they are definitely going to ignore signs of their partners being mentally abusive. A relationship can show you the best in people, and it can also show you the worst in people. So pay attention to the person you are in a relationship with and watch out for red flags while dating. Your happiness depends on it.