10 Ways To Get Over The Hurt And Let Go Of Someone You Love
If you are trying hard to get over someone you love, here are 10 ways to get over the hurt and let go of someone you love.
Jul 24, 2018

Letting Go of your Love is Hard
Relationships are always tricky and complicated. It can give you loads of joy while at the same time can devastate you. When in a relationship with your special someone you would be living your dream. But, you will never know when things come to an end. It is to be noted that even good things do come to an end. You must be able to face the greatest disappointment of your life when your special someone ends the relationship. Though the initial stages of being in a relationship can be pure bliss, you will never know when things can go wrong. Sometimes, love can never go as expected, it is more like expecting the unexpected. Being able to fall in love with the same person over and over again makes it really difficult to sustain the relationship. It is really depressing that we are now living in the age where people never try to fix broken hearts rather cut them off completely. Falling in love is easy but to sustain it, you need to put in a lot of efforts. Being able to love a person means you must be able to love them even for their imperfections. That is called true love and only that will help you sustain a relationship. If things have ended between you and your partner it might seem like that your life has no purpose. But that is not true, there is always a second chance. Getting over someone is never easy but that doesn't mean it is impossible. Here are 10 ways to get over the hurt and let go of someone you love.
1. To Let Go of Someone You Love - Never Stay In Touch
The most important rule while trying to let go of your special someone is to cut-off all contact. Isolate yourself from the love of your life. It might be a very hard thing to do but that is the best way to get over someone. You would have to battle with your own mind and thoughts to stay from your dear one but as time goes by, you will feel a lot better. You might be thinking about what went wrong in your relationship over and over again, the right words to say to win them back. But, the truth is no matter what you say or what you do they are never coming back. You might feel that you can never be happy again and that you can never laugh. It is okay to feel that way as you are going through something that is ripping your heart into pieces. Never forget that things will get back to normal and you will be fine. Never make any effort to call or message your dear one, because it is only going to hurt you more. There is no point in seeing or talking to the one who doesn't need you or wants you anymore. Life is a lot more than that. So, stop obsessing about having one last talk or one last message or one last date with them. Never beg for someone to be with you. Share your grief with your friends, these are the ones who can really make you feel better. Even if you see your special someone, make sure that you don't talk to them. Because talking with them is only going to make the situation worse. Staying away from them is the best medicine for your breakup and try prayers it will be of great help. No matter what you feel or what your heart tells you, never have contact with them. If you do, you will definitely regret in the future for being with someone who treated you unworthy. If you have mutual friends it is better that you don't try to know about them as it will hurt you more.
2. To Let Go of Someone You Love - Wallow
Never bottle your feelings up, grieve your feelings out. It is okay to cry and feel sad. You are going through something that you never expected to happen. Never be embarrassed to cry, nothing could make wonders than to cry your feelings out. It lifts up your mood and helps you acknowledge your grief. Being depressed and stressed is not going to help rather get the courage to accept that you are upset and grieve for your loss. Your special someone might not be worth it but you need to get better. The thought being single and not being loved can make it really hard and depressing. But, you need to focus on getting better. The more deeply you loved, the more hurt you are. That doesn't mean you can keep wallowing for a long period of time. Set a time period for crying your feelings out and make sure that you don't overdo. As that might never be good for your health and can get you stressed. Being able to acknowledge the feelings that you have right now for your dear one is the best way for letting go of your special someone. You can try to lift up your mood either by listening to music or by reading poems. If you believe in prayers make sure that you pray, it can help you feel a lot better during these dark times.
3. To Let Go of Someone You Love - Accept the Fact
It might be hard to believe that your dear one has left you. You might not be able to accept the truth, it is hard but slowly take it in. No matter what others say you will never be able to get over the shock that you are no longer in a relationship with your dear one. Trust me, all these might seem unthinkable but as days so by, you will get used to the fact that you were not meant to be. You might not be able to take in the whole truth as you never hoped that your relationship would end. But, now it has ended and you must deal with it. So make sure that you are able to accept it. Never live in the fantasy world of hoping your dear one to come back to you. It might be even more heartbreaking to know that your special someone moved on with their life. You must be able to accept that as you can never hope for things that were never meant to be with you. By accepting the fact that your dear one will no longer be a part of your life, you learn to live with it. Accept the truth no matter how bitter it is, you will slowly feel better. Letting go can be really difficult you can use prayer as a means to release your stress and hope things will get better. Never curse or demean yourself for not being able to hold on to the relationship, no matter how hard you try it would have ended if it was with the wrong person. Never write poems about how you deeply you loved and how it hurts, it might make your situation worse.
4. To Let Go Of Someone You Love - Dispose Their Stuff
The next important thing that you need to do is try and get rid of their memories. Looking at their stuff lying all around your house can never make it easier for you. Rather it keeps reminding you of how much you loved them and will make you want to get back to them. Even when you have made your mind to let go of them, looking at their stuff will make you out of shape. It is wise to dispose of all their belongings and that will not be an easy thing to do. You will understand that they are no longer a part of your life. Disposing of their stuff might remind you of how deeply you loved them but it is not going to help. It might be a painful task but certain things have to be done. It is a kind of detox for your love life. Right now, it might be hard to get rid of their stuff without having a meltdown but as time goes by it will get easier. Your intense feelings will make it harder for you, but when once it is done you will feel a lot better and it will get easier for you to move on. Get rid of their gifts, photographs and anything that reminds you of your dear one. Make sure to dispose of their love letters or love poems if you have any. Even if you find it extremely hard to do, ask a friend to help. The right person to be with while going through a breakup is your friends. It will be a lot easier for them to do it. When with a good friend it might hurt a little less as you have a shoulder to cry on.
5. To Let Go Of Someone You Love - Never Live in the Past
You might have had many wonderful and cherishable moments with your dear one. You might find it easier to live with the memories of your past but never do that. You are living your life in dreams. No matter how deeply you were in love it is never going to happen again. It has come to an end and there is no point in living with your past. Going over the memories over and over is going to make you weak and never a strong person. Be brave and face your fear and come out strong. Rereading the text messages or your love letters or love poems your special someone sent you and imagining how things could have been, is not going to make things any better. Rather it is going to destroy you and hurt you badly for losing the one you love. Try to live in the present. Give your complete focus on the present day, appreciate even the petty things. Try to find happiness in everything that happens around you. Never dwell on the past and lose the present life. Seize the moment and make yourself happy. Never get stuck in the past, try to move on and look at the bright side of your future. Not being able to move on from your past makes you stagnant and you might lose the real value of your life. It is just a chapter that didn't go out well, you still have many other chapters to excel. Try to focus on that and move on.
6. To Let Go Of Someone You Love - Evaluate Your Relationship
When letting go of the one you love, try to be honest and evaluate your relationship. Make a note of the pros and cons of your relationship. Try to figure out the positive and negative aspects of your love life. Write down in a journal about both the high points and low points of your relationship. By doing this you will be able to know what exactly went wrong in your relationship. Learn from your past mistakes and try not to commit the same in the next relationship. Understand that the high points of your relationship were the glue that held both of you together. The low points were the reason that your relationship didn't work out. Being able to understand this gets you a clear picture of your relationship. You will be able to understand yourself better, you will have a better understanding of what you want and what you hate in a relationship. So, make sure that you learn from your mistakes. Be honest with yourself and improve yourself. This will help you to detoxify yourself. Also, remember not to dwell on the darker side of your relationship as it might develop hate and develop grudge on your partner. The best way to let go of the negative feelings is either by reading a lot of positive poems or by prayers. Prayers are a great way of letting go of the hurt. If you believe in group prayers make sure you do that, it will help you overcome your hurt much faster.
7. To Let Go Of Someone You Love - Travel and Explore your Passion
When trying to let go of the past relationship which was deeply rooted in you, make sure you use some diversion and try to focus on something new. When you keep thinking about your breakup it gets harder and harder to let go of your special someone. Make sure that you keep yourself engaged in various activities so you have less time to think about your dear one. The best way to do that apart from prayers is by traveling to new places. Make sure that you explore new areas and focus on making a better life. When you travel you tend to look at the positives and start to enjoy life. This will help you to start fresh and gives you a better outlook on life. When you travel you get to meet new people and get a chance to socialize and make new friends. Making new friends means you have already started to move on with your life. The best stress relief for any deeply affected scar is travel. So, make sure you get the most of it. Focus on your passion and try to be more creative and improve your skill. If you are interested to paint then engage yourself in painting or if you are focused on writing poems, start to write poems, simply make sure that you do what you love. By paying attention to things that you deeply care can make you mentally strong. Do something that is close to your heart it will make you a more successful person. When you follow your heart you can create wonders.
8. To Let Go of Someone You Love - Hang Out With Your Friends
Letting go of the one you love can be a difficult task, but you need to focus on saving yourself from the unfortunate situation. When depressed it is quite normal to want to stay detached from your friends and family. Never make the mistake of isolating yourself from the people who deeply care for you. These are the ones who were able to accept you for who you are without wanting to change you. Your friends are the best remedy that you could get for your grief. The might not know the depth of your love and understanding that you had with your dear one but they are the ones who know you best even at your worst. Try to spend a lot of time with your friends and family. Never ignore the people who value you in their lives. You are going through a difficult phase that doesn't mean you have to cut-off yourselves from others. Taking time out from your friends and family is never a good idea. Spend as much time as possible as they are the ones who can bring back the lost fun and create memories with you. Your friends will be able to help you to recover from your deepest sorrow. Socialize and hang out with your friends and learn that life is still better without the love of your life with your side. You will understand that there are a lot of other things that are way more important than just being in love. So, try to spend time with your friends and family.
9. To Let Go Of Someone You Love - Love Yourself More
When letting go of someone you love you will go through a lot of pain. Sometimes, you tend to curse yourself or belittle yourself for not being able to hold on to the relationship. Never forget the fact that your relationship didn't work out because both the partners were not meant to be. Learn to value yourself and accept yourself for who you are. Never underestimate yourself. Learn from your mistakes and know that you deserve someone better in your life. Now that you know why your past relationship didn't work out make sure that you don't make the same mistake in the next relationship. By being able to love yourself more you get to be in a good relationship with yourself. Accepting your flaws and learning to love them can make you more successful. Being in a good relationship with yourself will make you a better person at relationships. Knowing yourself better will help you to make your love life much sweeter. So, never degrade yourself but try to be in the best possible relationship with yourself. Learn your life lessons from your life. Learn from your mistakes, always be at your best. Keep trying and always be a better person and upgrade yourself to a better self. By loving and valuing yourself more life gets more exciting and colorful. You can write poems about yourself and make yourself even more valuable.
10. To Let Go Of Someone You Love - Be a Positive Force
Going through a breakup can make you weak and a negative person. So, make sure that you try and stay positive at any cost. Being a positive force can make you stronger, determined and successful. Letting go of someone you love can break you into pieces, you need to rebuild the broken parts of yourself with a lot of positivity. Accept the fact that you ended the relationship for a reason and it was to make both your lives better. So stick to that. Believe everything in life has a purpose and your breakup was just to make you a better version of yourself. Every problem has both the sides the positive and the negative, make sure that you see only the positive side. This will help you grow as a person. Use prayer for focusing yourself on positivity. Also, learn to forgive your dear one for breaking your heart without whom you will never be able to understand the real meaning of life. Appreciate the little things that happen in your life, this way you will be able to forgive and forget your dear one for the pain you went through. Try to convert your pain into a learning opportunity and make yourself successful. There are a lot of people who get stuck being negative and that leads to a lot of other problems. So make sure that you learn to move on and become a positive force.
Fall In Love Again
Getting over someone can make you feel insecure but never get trapped in your own insecurities. It is quite normal to feel insecure after going through a breakup but that doesn't mean you will never find love again. Have faith in yourself and always hope for the best, you will find love again. When the right person walks in you will be able to understand true love and will be able to fall in love again. Never be scared to fall in love, as love can only take you to heights when spent with the right person. Be cheerful and patient and when the perfect person walks in miracles will happen. It is always up to you to decide whether you are ready to move on with your life or not. After a point of time, you tend to self-inflict pain making it hard for you to move on. Never go looking for happiness outside, never look for people to make you happy but you have to find happiness within you.
Now that you have learned the lesson the hard way, make sure you settle for someone whom you deserve to be with. The right person will be able to love you through your imperfections and will be able to appreciate you for who you are. This is the kind of love that you need to be and that is what you deserve. So, be yourself, be happy and always be cheerful. Love can happen again when you least expect it and when it does your life will become wonderful. You will understand that everything in life has a reason and your life will become great. All the Best!