Kiss On The Forehead: The Special Meaning Of The Forehead Kiss

Kiss On The Forehead: The Special Meaning Of The Forehead Kiss

It's a type of kiss that every girl loves. We see it in movies and read about it in books. Come and discover the magic of the forehead kiss.

By Dan Rosenberg
Kiss On The Forehead: The Special Meaning Of The Forehead Kiss

The Secret of the Forehead Kiss

What does it mean when your man kisses you on the forehead? Maybe he does it a lot. Maybe he does it every so often. Maybe it's the first thing he does after a long day of work. Maybe it's the last thing he does before going to sleep. Maybe he does it when he thanks you for something. Maybe he does it when he sees you after a long time apart. Maybe it does it in public or maybe he saves it for your time alone. Maybe he does it when he says he loves you. Or maybe he does it and doesn't say a word. There are hundreds of ways to give and receive a forehead kiss. For each way of giving this special kiss, there is a particular meaning attached to it, but you may not find the explanations in your school psychology textbook. You may not hear it talked about on TV. But maybe you have spent some time wondering: what, exactly, does a forehead kiss mean?

Before we delve into this often-pondered question, you need to know something. If you have a boyfriend who gives you a lot of forehead kisses know this: you are very lucky. The forehead is not always a place that boys think to kiss. After all, it's not as sexy as the neck, and not as cute as the nose. It's not an area that is likely to fill him with passion, pleasure, and lust. It's for this reason that the forehead kiss has a special sort of meaning. Unlike all manner of other kisses that your man may do for his personal pleasure, the forehead kiss is a gift that's just for you.

The Feeling of the Forehead Kiss

Think back to a time that he kissed you on the forehead. Maybe it was while you were watching TV. Maybe it was while you were sitting in the park. Wherever it was, just take a moment to remember it. Think about the sensation. Think about his scent. Think about the sounds around you and how you may have been cradled or held. More than anything, think about the way that you felt. Is there a special sort of feeling that you got from his forehead kiss? Maybe you felt a special sort of tingling that traveled down into your heart. Maybe you felt an inner sense of warmth. Maybe your nose crinkled as a smile appeared unbidden across your face. If you want to know what the forehead kiss means, it's worth asking: why does this kiss make me feel so good inside? The landscape of a romantic relationship is a subtle dance. There's touch, laughter, sound, and movement. Psychology teaches us that most of our communication is nonverbal. The majority of what we say doesn't come from our mouths, but from our bodies. Most of the time, we don't even know the meaning of the million little messages we send each minute. We just go on living our lives, doing what we do. The dance of romance is not something we understand with our minds, but we feel it with our bodies. The ups, the downs, the subtle touches course through our muscles, our heart, and our soul like vibrations course through harp strings. Our bodies know so much more than our minds. The infinite sensations and perceptions of the body in each dynamic moment far outstrips our ability to comprehend them with our brains. For that reason, we must trust our bodies first and foremost. Our bodies talk to us each moment through the sensations we feel. I cannot tell you the meaning of each and every forehead kiss because each one is special. Each one means something different. I can't tell you what each kiss means, but your body and heart can. Listen to them. Trust them. Believe in what they know. You can read all the blogs in the world, but none of them replace what you already know. Listen to your body and you'll receive guidance and wisdom beyond what you could ever believe.

What does it mean?

As complex as the forehead kiss is, all share some similarities. That is, there are certain common reasons that your man may choose to kiss you on the forehead. Knowing what some of these are may give you just the insight you need into understanding it the next time he gives you a sweet kiss on the forehead.

Common meanings of the forehead kiss

#1: He appreciates you.

There are countless ways that your man may show that he appreciates you. He may demonstrate his appreciation through gifts or through flowers. He may express it through words. Sometimes, though, he wants to express his appreciation for you in a simple, subtle way. The forehead kiss is the perfect way for him to take a quick moment to say, without words, "I'm glad you're in my life."

#2 He's thinking of you

Not only does this kiss mean that he appreciates you, it also shows that he's thinking of you in that moment! As we well know, men can be confusing. It's often difficult to know precisely what your man is thinking or feeling. Even if you ask him, he may be unable to give you a clear answer. Thus, many women find themselves trying to guess what their men are thinking about. Well, when it comes to the forehead kiss, you don't have to guess. When he gives you that special kiss on the forehead you can rest assured in the knowledge that, in that moment, he was thinking of you and how glad he is to have you. Perhaps this is why receiving the forehead kiss is so good. It's just that little bit of validation that even when you don't know it, he's thinking about his affection for you.

#3 He cares for you.

The forehead kiss is unique in that it is intimate without being sexual. While a kiss on the neck is likely only to come from a romantic partner, a forehead kiss can come from anyone. You can receive forehead kisses not only from your boyfriend, but also your mom, your dad, your uncle, and your grandma. This is because the forehead kiss expresses love and care without requiring any physical or sexual attraction. It is this quality that maintains the magic and purity of the forehead kiss. It's a simple way to show care and affection.

It’s amazing, the things she’s done to me She brought light where darkness always seemed to dwell Revealed all the things that were hidden from my sight She has become my eyes and allowed me to see all the beauty She offers me her sweet love It lifts me up whenever I am down She comforts me when I need it the most My every hope and dream has come true with her Her body fills me with love and desire And yet simply holding her in my arms brings me such joy She carries my heart with her wherever she goes now And whenever I am with her I know I am right where I’m supposed to be... . . . . #foreheadkisses #heart #iwrite #loved #love #miracle #lifequotes #writer #writers #writersblock #writerscommunity#writersofinstagram #writersofig #writersnetwork#writersofindia  #wordporn #bymepoetry#poet #poem #poetry #poetsofinstagram #wordpress #poetrycommunity#poetryofinstagram #poetryofig #nikesh9766 #India #emotions_nik

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#4 His love for you goes deeper than physical attraction.

We all know that sometimes men woo women only for sex. It's unfortunate and wrong that men sometimes act in this way, yet it's something to watch out for. If you ever want a sign that a man cares about you for more than just sex, the forehead kiss may just be that secret code. As mentioned before, the forehead kiss is a simple expression of love and intimacy without being sexual. A man can kiss your neck simply because he finds you sexy and lusts for your body. With the forehead kiss, there's no such risk. He knows as well as you do that the forehead kiss has nothing to do with sex. He's not doing it to get laid. He's doing it simply to express his care and appreciation. Thus, you can rest assured that he really cares about you as a person, not just your looks.

#5 He feels very close to you.

The forehead kiss has a sort of intimacy and gentleness missing from other kisses. It's not the same as a playful kiss on the nose or a friendly kiss on the cheek. The forehead kiss goes much deeper than that. It's an expression of TRUE intimacy. If your man kisses you on the forehead, then you'll know that he feels very close to you. You'll know that the warmth and closeness you feel with him is the same as how he feels with you.

Here's the thing about love: It's hard to put into words ❤️

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#6 He is protective of you.

There's a reason that you may feel particularly safe and protected when he gives you a kiss on the forehead. This is because when he kisses you in this way, he's showing just how much you mean to him. He's showing that you are something very special and precious to him and that he would do anything to protect you. When he gives you this kiss, he is making a subtle promise that he will defend you at all costs. If he gives you this kiss, you will know that this is a man you can depend on.

#7 He trusts you.

Men often have a hard time showing their affection. It's a shame but men aren't taught to express emotions like appreciation and love in our culture. Men face things that women don't, like being called a wuss if they cry or being called weak if they behave with gentleness. For this reason, it's often hard for men to show their softer side. They know that if they do so they may be ridiculed, insulted, or ostracized. All men have a softer side and most men yearn to show it, though their fear of being ostracized means they don't often show it. The forehead kiss, though, is one way in which men DO show their softer, sweeter side. If your man gives you this kiss it shows that in addition to caring for you, he trusts you enough to show his feelings for you too.

Above all

There are countless other meanings that a forehead kiss can have. Above all, though, there's one meaning that weaves through them all and you don't need a psychology degree to understand it. Whether you've been with your man for years or you're just getting to know him, an authentically given forehead kiss means one thing every time: "I love you."

Bask in the love

All kisses are special and hold their own unique meaning. So appreciate each and every one, whether it's on the lips, neck, or nose. But always remember the forehead kiss and keep a special place for it in your heart. Don't obsess over the psychology of it. Rather, savor it for what it is: a kiss with a magic and meaning unlike any other. So enjoy it, savor it, and appreciate every one. For that, above all, is why he offers it to you. So surrender to the warmth and give in to his love. You deserve it.