12 Perfect Husband Birthday Ideas for the Millennium

12 Perfect Husband Birthday Ideas for the Millennium

Implement the perfect husband birthday ideas and surprise him

By Lucilia Pires
12 Perfect Husband Birthday Ideas for the Millennium

Birthdays are such magical moments! Show of hands for those who love all the love and attention they get on their special day. Fancy presents are fine too, but it is the fact that someone took the time to think about you and prepare something just for you that really warms your heart, isn’t it?

In order to help you with the planning and organizing of the details, we’ve come up with 12 perfect ideas to help you celebrate your husband on his birthday. Whether it is an impromptu celebration or something you decided to do yourself to show all your love and appreciation, or some grand romantic gesture you are sure he’ll love, we’ve got you covered, so read on for last minute ideas to celebrate your husband’s big day.

Last Minute Ideas to Celebrate Husband’s Birthday

We do love our husbands, and we do think they deserve the world, but life happens and you’re so caught up in it that the big day comes, and you realize you’ve quite forgotten it’s your husband’s birthday. Have no fear, we’re here to help you come up with a last-minute plan to make all work for the best.

1. Surprise Date

You need to pretend you forgot his birthday so as to really surprise him. When he gets home from work, ask him to go with you to the store, because you ran out of milk, or eggs, or whatever. Then drive him to his favorite restaurant (where you have booked a table, of course) and surprise him with a fantastic meal. Or what about some tickets for that concert or play he’s been talking about?

2. Last-minute trip

These days all you have to do is go online to book a last-minute trip, and presto: a birthday celebration to remember. It doesn’t have to be on a tropical island, or a weekend in Paris, a nice getaway, near where you live, will do the trick. Enjoying each other’s company, walking together hand in hand, and celebrating his birthday with a nice meal and a great bottle of wine, is all it takes for him to realize how much you love him.

3. Birthday Activity

It’s just as easy these days to book online for a multitude of different activities, whether sailing on a boat or going to the theatre. Bear in mind that you should pick a place your husband said he wanted to go to, even if it is not to your taste. It is his birthday after all, so if a night at the opera is not his thing, buying tickets for La Traviata are definitely not the way to go. He’s been talking about rock climbing or white-water rafting and though your idea of outdoor activities is sitting on a terrace with a glass of something nice in hand, pick an activity he will enjoy and just get with it. Who knows, you might even end up having fun. 

4. Get out of your comfort zone

Take advantage of the occasion to show your husband how much he means to you by doing something totally unexpected or something you’ve always said you couldn’t do. Book a para-gliding initiation for the both of you, if that’s something he always said he wanted to do. Or just act out of character by putting on the sexy lingerie you bought for the occasion and taking some pictures to send him. Add some hot text, and you can be sure he’ll start enjoying his birthday present right then and there. 

DIY- Husband Birthday Celebrations on a Budget

Maybe you can’t really splurge right now on that birthday trip you were planning on, or that fancy restaurant gourmet dinner you thought about, but rest assured, a birthday surprise from the heart is all that matters to make his birthday just perfect. Don’t worry we won’t have you knitting any sweaters or cross-stitching his likeness on a piece of cloth unless you want to, and that’s perfectly fine. Our suggestions require fewer needlework skills but more attention to details and deep knowledge of what your husband is fond of, and that should be as right as rain for you.  

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5. King for a day

It’s a rather simple idea: for his birthday you should make your husband feel like a king. A king needs not even ask to have all his wishes fulfilled, so think what would be a perfect day for him, and make it happen. Make a list of all the things you believe he would love, like, what is his favorite breakfast food? Would he like to have breakfast in bed? Which are his favorite clothes to wear? How about his favorite music? I am sure you can come up with a very comprehensive list, and surprise him with all his favorite things from morning to night. I’m sure he’ll appreciate all the effort you took into making his birthday the most perfect day. 

6. Gratitude list

One thing that shows you’re stuck on the daily rut is forgetting to say thank you for the small things.All you need to do here is consider all those things your husband does on a regular basis and never gets appreciated for, even the simpler things like mowing the lawn or taking out the trash. Make a proper list where you jot down all those little things he does every day, or all those moments he is there for you, and all the reasons why you love him, making sure to emphasize the fact that he is utterly important in your life, and you wouldn’t be the same without him.

After that it is really up to you how you want to show him your gratitude: you can read it and thank him for each one of those instances, or you can turn your list into a nice picture, by printing it on a nice paper, adding some nice photos and framing it, or by giving him a collection of vouchers of special kisses for a special person.

7. The Love Jar

All you need is a nice jar that has a mouth big enough for a hand to fit through. Decorate it as you see fit, and fill it with little pieces of paper each with something written on that you know your husband will love, like free time to watch that game on TV, a neck rub, a special kiss, a candlelit dinner, a lovemaking position he enjoys, etc.  Give him the jar and tell him that for his birthday you will fulfill any wish on that jar, so, allow him to explore and choose to his heart desire. The best part is, you can put the pieces of paper back in and continue granting each other gifts when the mood strikes. You can even make a game of it and you need to do whatever comes out. 

8. Let love be an art

For this one you need to get your artistic juices flowing and come up with a video, or a poem, or a song, or a painting or a collage that expresses all your love for your husband. It’s not as hard as you think, really, and nobody expects you to do a fantastically professional job, and consider what expressing your deep feelings through any of these art forms would mean to your husband: it would be something you created just for him, thinking of him and to show your profound love and appreciation. How could he not love it?

Romantic Husband Birthday Celebration Ideas

Romance is the spice of life, and when it comes to celebrating your husband’s birthday, adding some sugar and spice will only make it nice. Contrary to popular belief, men like to be romanced too, so preparing a romantic birthday celebration is positively the right way to go. If, like us, you have children make sure to drop them off at the grandparents or with a sympathetic aunt or friend, as you don’t want them underfoot on your romantic celebration. Romance is absolutely a two-person deal, so make sure to have the house all to yourselves, or, better yet, book a room at a nice hotel and leave the kids at home with one of the aforementioned, or a sitter, and give one of our suggestions a try. 

9. Old fashioned love

Is there anything in the world more romantic than an old fashioned love letter?  We are talking about the full works: a handwritten love letter on nice stationery that is perfumed preferably, and sent over by post. Write him a love letter telling him in detail how wonderful he is, and how fortunate you are to have him in your life, sealing it with a red kiss, spritz some of your perfume on it, and Voilá! a romantic old-fashioned love letter sure to surprise and enchant him as he finds it among all those pesky bills. What a lovely start to a birthday celebration. To keep it going just read on.

10. Photo Gallery

Is there a better way to celebrate a birthday than remembering the amazing moments you’ve spent together?  Here’s how to create a wonderful gallery display of sweet memories, celebrating the man you love. First of all, get a huge number of photos featuring your husband’s fondest memories, preferably printed in black and white, as this is a good way to emphasize the romanticism of the images. Then fill up your ceilings with balloons and attach each photo to a balloon string. Your husband will surely love the balloons (who doesn’t) and will feel all fuzzy inside when he notices the photos you selected.

11. Romance at Home

Prep the house by lighting some candles to make a path, strewn with rose petals, leading to a perfectly set table - think white tablecloth, glittering wine glasses, flower arrangement and appetizing food. Prepare a light but exquisite meal, maybe using some aphrodisiac ingredients, like ginger or chocolate. Keep it light, as a full stomach is more conducive to sleep than any other more strenuous activity, but sensuous, by taking advantage of the color, texture, and scent of the food you prepare. Red strawberries coated in chocolate are considerably more sensuous than apple crumble, with the advantage that you even can feed each other strawberries, should you prefer. Think soft lights, ambient music and splurging on his favorite wine, and why not buying some new lingerie to celebrate the occasion.

12. Hotel + Sensuous Massage

If you want to go all out, book a room in a luxurious hotel with Spa where you can make a reservation beforehand for a couple’s massage. Most men, mine included, are a bit self-conscious when it comes to a massage, but are Ok with a couple’s massage, as you are there in the room with them. Ask for a sensuous massage with fragrant oils, like rose, jasmine and sandalwood, that relax the body but excite the senses all at once. Top the experience off with a nice gourmet dinner and a night of hot, uninhibited lovemaking.

If a hotel and spa is too much for your budget, you can buy the sensuous massage oils and perform the massage yourself. I am sure he won’t mind a more private celebration.

So, despite all his protestations that he doesn’t really want a gift, or that there’s no point in celebrating his big day with anything fancy, and just a hamburger will do, we're sure your husband really enjoys, even in his bashful way, every effort you make in order to turn his birthday into something memorable. 

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