Baby Teething Timeline: Understand Baby Teething Growth

The baby teething timeline guides you from baby teeth to molars

By Aey
Baby Teething Timeline: Understand Baby Teething Growth

As it has been mentioned before that teething phase begins within the first year after baby’s birth, some babies enter their teething phase earlier as compared to others. Teething phase usually begins from the 3rd month after birth. It can start anytime between the ages of 3 – 12 months. In some rare cases, babies are born with a tooth already. Most probably you will see your baby’s first tooth between the ages of 3 – 7 months, in some cases it takes 12 – 14 months.

A typical baby teething timeline and baby first teeth chart

Baby Teething Timeline


  • 4-7 months


Most probably you will see the first tooth of the baby coming out of their gum when the baby’s age is somewhere between 4-7 months, but in some rare cases, it can appear late as well, at the age of 12-14 months. The teething phase of the baby begins from central incisors (front lower teeth). These are first teeth to appear inside the baby’s mouth. Early teething symptoms start to appear at the age of 3 months.


  • 8-12 months


Other pair of teeth pop out from the top. They are also known as central incisors. They are the teeth which appear on the top front. They start to appear between the ages of 8-12 months.


  • 9-16 months


Between the ages of 9-16 months, lateral incisors start to appear inside the baby’s mouth. They usually appear on the top, on the sides of central teeth. Within this period of time lower lateral incisors also start to appear inside the baby’s mouth. They appear on sides of middle teeth at the bottom.


  • 13-19 months


When the baby’s age is between 1-2 years, you are most likely to see first moral teeth on the top popping up inside the baby’s mouth.


  • 16-23 months


When the baby is 16-23 months old, the baby’s gums start to grow the first canines inside it. These teeth are very pointy and sharp.


  • 23-33 months


When the baby’s age is almost 3 years, second molars take their space inside the baby’s mouth.  At this age, the baby will have a set of 20 teeth, they are known as primary teeth.


About permanent teeth

Permanent teeth are also known as adult teeth. In general, there are 32 permanent teeth inside a human’s mouth.  The first permanent teeth appear inside the mouth at the age of 6. As soon as the permanent teeth start to appear inside the mouth, the primary teeth start to shed. Their place is later taken by the permanent teeth. Wisdom teeth are considered to be the four last permanent teeth and they usually appear at the age of 17-25. Permanent teeth are considered as very essential because, they are strong but also fragile in their own way because if something happens to these permanent teeth & they get damaged, a new tooth will not grow to replace the broken or shredded ones.

Eruption Chart of Permanent Teeth:

The following chart depicts the growth of permanent teeth inside baby’s mouth.


  • Central incisor


Permanent central incisor grows when the child is 7-8 years old.


  • Lateral incisor


These teeth start to grow when the baby’s age is 8 to 9 years.


  • Canine (cuspid)


Permanent canine start to grow at the age of 11 to 12 years


  • First premolar (first bicuspid)


These teeth appear when the baby’s age is 10 to 11 years


  • Second premolar (second bicuspid)


The permanent second premolar appears when the baby’s age is 10 to 12 years.


  • First Molar


The first permanent molars appear at the age of 6-7.


  • Second Molar


The second permanent molars appear at the age of 12 to 13.


  • Third molar (wisdom teeth)


The third permanent molars appear at the age of 17 – 21


How to cope with teeth out of order?

Having braces has always been the only way to fix teeth issues such as crooked teeth or chipped teeth, but it’s not the best option for those who cannot tolerate imperfections. There are now other ways to fix these teeth issues. Braces are still preferred by most dentists but they also offer the following options to their patients.

1. Braces

Dental braces are used to treat teeth related issues. It is a device used by dentists in order to straighten and align teeth. It helps your teeth in positioning themselves. They also aim to improve overall dental and oral health. Braces are also used to fix gaps

2. Invisalign

It uses aligners which are almost invisible; they gradually move the position of your teeth to become aligned with each other. They are almost invisible and do not hurt your cheeks like metal braces.

3. Veneers

It is a bit expensive but can treat issues like broken teeth, gaps, straightening or misalignment etc. Veneers are porcelain that laminates onto your original tooth and perfects its shape, color, and size, once it is affixed permanently.

4. Tooth Contouring

This method is only for upper teeth. It is very effective for overlapping teeth. It shaped your teeth in order to make everything even to each other. It's considered a relatively expensive procedure.

How to cope with teeth falling off?

Our teeth play a very vital role in our life. We realize the importance of our teeth when we start to lose them one by one. Majority of humans face this problem after a certain age when they get older, but losing tooth can also be caused by other reasons which may include things like trauma, gum disease, and dental decay.

Causes of tooth decay and falling

For the majority of us, the falling and weakness of teeth arise due to bone loss and problems related to gum. It is caused by an infection known as periodontitis, which weakens the bones and soft tissues supporting the teeth.

Following are the reasons which may also cause weakness and shredding of teeth:

  1. Excessive use of sugar
  2. Poor oral hygiene
  3. Tooth decay
  4. Lack of calcium in the body
  5. Some dental fracture or injury
  6. Teeth plaque
  7. Gum disease

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Ways to strengthen losing teeth at home:

1. Virgin coconut oil

Virgin coconut oil is considered as very effective when it comes to treating issues like teeth falling. Before brushing your teeth in the morning, apply virgin coconut oil on your teeth & let it stay in your mouth for 15 minutes. After 15 minutes, brush your teeth and rinse your mouth with warm water.

2. Calcium and Vitamin D

Calcium and Vitamin D play a major role in strengthening bones of our body and these bones also include our teeth. Lack of Vitamin D and Calcium can lead to issues like weak bones and loss of teeth. Make sure your body has enough calcium and vitamin D, as required. Get your medical checkup and start taking vitamin D supplements if required.

3. Garlic

Garlic is an effective and strong antimicrobial agent. Its anti-bacterial properties help in killing bacteria. If teeth are getting weak because of an infection or tooth decay, rubbing the garlic on your teeth can help in killing harmful bacteria microbes causing the infection, in a very short time. Simply crush some garlic cloves and rub the paste on your teeth, let it stay in your mouth for 15 minutes then rinse your mouth with warm water.

4. Salt and Mustard Oil

A mixture of salt and mustard oil can be very effective when it comes to helping teeth related issues. This mixture is very good for strengthening wiggly teeth. Simply add few drops of mustard old in 1 tsp. of salt & apply the mixture on your teeth, let it stay on your teeth for 5 minutes. Rinse your mouth with warm water in the end.

5. Black Pepper & Turmeric

Turmeric is said to have healing properties in it. This mixture will help you in strengthening your gums; will make your teeth stronger, leaving you with no shakier or weak teeth. Mix 1 teaspoon of turmeric powder and 1 teaspoon of black pepper powder, apply the mixture gently on your teeth and let it stay on your teeth for 2 minutes. Rinse your mouth with water after 2 minutes.


Babies start teething within the first year after their birth. The first tooth of the baby could be considered as an exciting milestone. Majority of babies do not show any symptom during their early days of teething till those small white tiny tooth start coming out of their gums. Some babies enter their teething phase earlier and start to show symptoms sooner than others. When it comes to babies, you couldn’t possibly ‘know too much’ even when you have read uncountable baby books. Hopefully, this article covered all the important things to know about baby teething!

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 Every child is different when it comes to growth, some may develop teeth just after 13-14 months while others may develop their teeth as early as 6 months.