10 Practical And Real Tips On How To Get A Date
Try these great and practical tips to get yourself a date
Mar 25, 2019

Dates. Who doesn't want one? From casual to fancy, committed to chill, dates are guys' and girls' best friends; we all seek for love or to simply have fun through them and they can actually be very appealing when they go down perfectly and with a very nice person.
Getting a date is not that simple, but with these tips on how to get a date on different situations, you sure as hell are getting one.

How To Get A Date To Prom
Let's see; you have always liked that guy or girl in your class, from the moment high-school started. You know her preferences, illusions, fears, and fantasies. You may have even become her friend and confidant, and you want him or her to be your date for prom night. Getting this is very simple if you follow these tips:

1. Use some help
First of all, you have to know if the person you want to take to prom as a date has already got themselves one. Get your friends to help by asking your potential him or her if they already have one to save yourself from rejection. You can even get your friends to sound him or her out on the idea of having you as a date so you know your chances.
Also, you can find out who is looking for a date, and check out the idea of taking any of them if you have no clue on who to take.
2. Drop some hints
When you already know who you want to bring and if he or she is available, drop some hints; talk to them about prom, how you don't have a date yet and if she or he has one already. Be subtle and chill.
3. Ask
Finally, the moment has come. The big question comes now and you just have to ask! Do it, without any fear, as there is no other way of getting any type of date than actually asking the person out. You can do it. My girls out there might be wondering: do girls ask guys to prom too? Yes, they do, it is the 21st century, there is no more "only guys ask girls out". Grow a pair and do it!

How To Get A Date In College
College is a great time to have someone around emotionally. You might be away from home, alone, needing company, and somebody to support you through this hard period. As you are becoming an adult, you might be searching for true love in order to finally settle, and college is a great place to find it.
You might be in a situation where you just want to have fun with someone and not feel completely committed to them, which is valid, too. If these are any of your cases, follow these tips on getting a date in college:
1. Be aware

First, know that in college you can literally find a date anywhere. From the hallways, stairs, lunch court, to the bus stop on your way out, love can be around in any corner. This means you have to be aware of the people you pass by each day, which in college can be hundreds - you could be passing by your possible date.
2. Use similar interests
As college campuses might be focused on exact careers, you will be able to find people with similar interest which is way better for dating. As college is this way, it will be easier to start a conversation with ideas that you both share. Also, if you aren't exactly interested in someone from your exact career, it is easy in College to know about their interest as you can figure out what they are studying. For example, if you want to date someone that is in veterinary, ask them something like: "My puppy has had dry hair lately, what would you recommend?" Slightly cheesy and lame but hey, you'll get to have fond memories when you recap your first conversation to bag your wife!
3. Ask
As in every case we are going to discuss today, asking is the way to get a date. Invite him or her for some coffee at the local coffee shop, for some drinks in the local pub, or something as simple than lunch is the campus cafeteria.

How To Get A Date Online On Tinder
Tinder, the most famous dating platform out there. We have all heard stories on how a now married couple met on Tinder and had their happily ever after, and it might sound too good to be true, but trust me when I say that you can actually find a good candidate to date on this amazing app. You might be scared to use it at first, but if you follow these tips on how to get a date on Tinder, I guarantee that you will master this app.

1. Have the best profile
The quality of your profile on Tinder will certainly determine whether you get dates or not. After all, it is the first thing people will see when debating on dating you or not, it is basically your only way of introducing yourself to them.
Pictures are the most important element in portraying yourself in the app, as they don't only show how you look, but your personal interests, what you do, etc. Post pictures where you are smiling and wearing colorful clothes, as studies show people react better to those on Tinder. In these pictures, appear walking your dogs, cooking, running, traveling, as people will love to see what you do on a daily bases. Never post pictures of your abs or in the gym, it is a complete turn-off. Also, don't post family pictures or with kids on them, it can be a little of a reason to say no to you.
The description is also a very important part of the Tinder profile. Never leave it blank, as it might cut chances of getting dates by half. Write about who you are, what you love, do, and what is most appealing to you in life. Be nice and simple, people love that.

2. Start conversation
Chatting on Tinder is the next step, and it will probably determine whether you get to meet the person and go on a date or not. Have a personalized conversation where instead of saying the same old: " Hey, how are you?" you say things as: " I saw you like to cook, how about that". Mention things you have noticed on their profile, and sound interested in them. This will make people feel that you actually care for more than just a hook up because you are bored.

3. Ask
This is the point where meeting the person you only know through chat becomes real. Ask to meet him or her; go on a chill and casual date, like having some coffee, or plan a more elaborate day based on the interests they have, as it might be going to a concert. Show confidence and calmness and there is no way they might say no.
How To Get A Date Worth Keeping
Yeah, dating can be fun and all, but it might get kind of boring and frustrating when you have dated 5 people in the past 2 months and you can't seem to want to keep them around. Sadly, there is only one way to find a date worth keeping, which we will tell you next:
1. Date until you find
You are not going to date 2 times and find the indicated person to keep dating just as simple as that. Finding someone who is worth keeping can actually take a lot of time, and a lot of dates. Don't get frustrated, you just have to be patient and keep dating until you truly know that person is the one to keep, and not just another random date. How do you know this? You will feel it, trust me; the attraction you might feel for him or her is going to be different than with all of the others, and your heart will just know that you will want them for a long time.
Love comes at a certain point for all of us, sometimes even when we aren't looking for it, all you have got to do is not give up on the idea of finding it, and it will find you first.

I am sure that you are an expert on getting dates now. Identify your situation and get to dating with these tips right now, I swear they won't fail you. I hope you find the best date possible, and in that way see how fun and fullfiling dating can be.