10 Signs Of Narcissism Relationships Between Couples
Find out what are Narcissism Relationships and signs to look for.
May 28, 2019

Falling in love and getting into a relationship is all fun and exciting until you discover the downsides and then the previously dark hidden traits of your partner becoming as evident and suffocating as you can imagine. Being in a relationship is great and really amazing, but you get to see what toxic relationships actually look and feel like when you are in a narcissism relationship with someone.
Getting into a relationship with a narcissist isn’t an experience you would like to have. This kind of relationship has a significant effect on your life, negatively and by this, I mean all spheres of your life. It affects your efficiency and focuses at work, your mental, emotional and even physical health. But the question here is, how do you even know your partner is a narcissist and then, if you do know your partner is one, how can you tackle this situation?

To know a narcissist and differentiate the individual from an overly confident person, you need to understand how they behave and also how you can help yourself out of relationships with a narcissist. Here we would be giving you the signs; you should look out for if you suspect you are in a narcissism relationship.
The Meanings of Narcissism Relationships

To identify a narcissism relationship, you at least have to know who a narcissist is and how they behave. You might even have a friend who is a narcissist without knowing, or maybe you have encountered one. If you have met anyone who is overly egoistic, extremely full of himself, arrogant, feels he is always right and thinks he is smarter, hotter, better than everyone, then you have yourself a narcissist. Although these individuals tend to be loving and quite attractive when you meet them at first.
A narcissism relationship is merely a relationship with an individual that fits into the description given. In this sort of relationship, the partners to the narcissists are usually torn between two difficult choices, leaving or staying. Due to this effect, longer duration in this sort of relationship dents the general health of the individual.
Signs of Narcissism Relationships

How do you know you are in narcissism, relationship? What are the signs you need to look out for? What are the noticeable signs and red flags you need to look out for if you suspect you are dating a narcissist? Here are some:
1. Guilt tripping

A narcissist is good at digging up stuff and researching about your past or even your present, not the right parts, but the horrible parts you want to forget. They don’t even mind if it’s true or not, they just find it and use it against you, especially when you have just had a fight. A narcissist would paint you black and blame you for his/her own wrongs at the expense of your happiness and your peace. They criticize you and make you feel guilty for every single thing that goes wrong.
2. Manipulation

A narcissist is a master manipulator, a dangerous one to be precise, and would try to manipulate you at every chance he gets, although the level of manipulation is actually dependent on the level of narcissism. A narcissist would do anything to make him/her happy and satisfied at the expense of any other person’s happiness, you are inclusive. A narcissist partner would manipulate you into tending for his/her needs even when you can’t afford it comfortably and also try to alter your personality to fit into his/her mental picture.
3. Constant threats

This is one of the significant signs of a narcissist relationship. It doesn’t necessarily mean a death threat, it is merely any threat attached to every little misunderstanding. It may be threats to leave you, threats to spread some untrue or embarrassing story about you to the world, threat to disgrace you publicly, to leak private videos or pictures of you and so on. Once this continues too frequently, you might want to give your relationship a second thought.
4. Entitlement

The narcissist feels entitled to almost everything they lay their hands on. A narcissist partner feels that his/her own needs, wants and desires are much more important than anyone’s own, including yours. They always expect a great deal from you, and also collect, but don’t see it necessary to reciprocate any of the gestures to you. They feel that they only deserve to be on the receiving side and not on the giving side.
5. Inflated Sense of Worth

Narcissists are great at feeling like utterly indispensable and irreplaceable. Your partner begins to feel like he/she is too important to the world or to you, like some unique supernatural being or something, then you might just have yourself a narcissist before you. Once you notice this, the chances of your partner being a narcissist are really high.
6. Lawless

Narcissists feel like they are above the law like they are above any sort of rules and regulations. This is still as a result of their inflated sense of value or importance. They usually think or feel like they are too important to abide by rules and the law, so they cut lines, disrespect people publicly and so on. When your partner continues to do this regularly without feeling any sense of remorse, then that’s a significant sign.
7. Picky

Narcissists are incredibly concerned about physical appearance. This has to be the easiest and most common signs you can notice and recognize. A narcissist would be so obsessed about what he/she looks like physically. I mean, it isn’t wrong to look great obviously, but when this becomes your major and obsessive priority, to make yourself look, rich or impressive, then that’s a problem.
8. Emotionally unstable

They are so emotionally unstable, and this isn’t healthy for you emotionally. They become the sweetest, sexiest and the most beautiful person sometimes, particularly when they want to get something for you, but they change within a split second afterward and even blame you for their change in behavior.
9. Narcissism Relationships in Marriages

They say love conquers all and this is probably what happens in these kinds of marriages. You will wonder how it is possible for people to get married to narcissists despite their outrageous and demeaning behavior. But people actually do, most times because they were stuck between leaving and staying with the one they loved and they chose their partner over themselves. Narcissists find it difficult in having and maintaining a healthy and intimate relationship with their partners and this affects their partner and also the children who are later born into such families.
This sort of marriage would have you living by a double standard, questioning your self-worth, feeling crazy, going through a lot of verbal abuse and manipulations and the likes. It is possible to get married to them and even learn how to also communicate effectively with them, but most times people end getting divorced.
10. Narcissism Relationship and Self Worth

Through his manipulative behavior, a narcissist would make you continually question yourself worth and importance. They think incredibly high of themselves and feel that they are superior to everyone around them in every way. Because of this mentality, they begin to downgrade and put down everyone around them to ensure that they remain at the top. They have little or no touch with their feeling and so are unable to recognize the effect of their behavior on those around them.
They are hard to live with, reason with and even communicate. Narcissists do not like to acknowledge their wrongs, lack empathy and have a way of destroying your self-esteem to bits. They make you doubt yourself and blame you for everything that goes wrong, make you feel inadequate and not enough. Some of these things might be hard to recognize, especially for people who are deep in love, but if you so, it is advisable that you leave to save your mental and general health.
Quotes on Narcissism Relationships
Most of these are popular quotes that explain the typical behavior of a narcissist in a nutshell.
- The lion, when looking for food, must be as charming as ever
- A narcissist would damage your self-esteem, make you doubt yourself and destroy your life while making you feel you did it all to and by yourself
- Loving a narcissist is consenting to a cataclysmic rollercoaster ride with a heart full of tears
- Love doesn’t just die off naturally; it has to be killed by neglect or by narcissism.
- Anyone whose love is for someone is dependent on how that person makes him feel or what the person does for him, doesn’t love that person at all, he only loves himself.

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Being in a relationship with a narcissist can be hard, toxic and emotionally draining. This sort of relationship has a horrible effect on their partners in the long run. It might be hard to recognize narcissist at first because they present themselves as everything you want, they are charming, have great achievements and might treat you right at first. But as time goes on, you would begin to see the signs. It is essential that you leave to save yourself when you notice the signs of a narcissist.
Narcissist In marriages does not just affect their spouse but also their children, making their growth and development faulty and destroying their self-esteem even at a young age.