12 Top Date Tips to get you from Admiration to Love

12 Top Date Tips to get you from Admiration to Love

Follow these date tips to land the love of your life in 2019

By Aey
12 Top Date Tips to get you from Admiration to Love

12 Date Tips: The dos and don'ts for guys and for ladies

All of us have fallen in and out of love at one point in time of our lives. To keep that love going and to ensure that the beautiful relationship you have with your significant other lasts, then you need to put in the right amount of effort. The first date is what leaves a major impression on your partner and it is vital to ensure that it goes ideally. So, in order to ensure that your first date materializes into something worthwhile, keep on reading to discover a few amazing tips and tricks to carry out whilst and after your first date. 

What to take note on your first date?

1. Be on time

Nothing looks worse than being late and that too on your very first date. Not only will this leave an impression of carelessness but would show your date that you aren’t interested in the entire thing. So, make sure to bathe on time, have your clothes and accessories set out a reasonable time before the decided time. There is nothing wrong or uncool in being punctual and indeed your date would appreciate it because that is one quality that mature people look for in their partners. Note how punctual they are and whether they come through with their timings or not.

2. Have topic of conversations ready

Nobody wants to go on a date, let me rephrase, on a first date, and be bored because that would mean that you guys aren’t compatible. The things that one talks about on their first date really set the tempo for future dates and further moves towards giving you an idea of how the person is and how they think. This doesn’t mean to cram a script but just to have a general idea of what you should talk about to see whether there is compatibility or not. 

3. Leave your phone be

We all know that none of us use our phones minimally these days. Regardless of screen times and all other tactics that we might put in play to curb our phone usage, we inevitably end up scrolling through our Instagram feeds, regardless of whether we checked it 10 minutes ago or not. Take note to put your phone away, keep it in your bag or keep it in your pocket and avoid using it throughout your date no matter how tempted you are or whether or not your date is using theirs. Not only does that become plain rude it also says a lot about a person.

Related Article: The Definition of Romantic Love and How to Achieve it
 Some people believe in romantic love, and some straight-up don’t. 

4. Ask questions

You don’t have to be snoopy, you don’t have to be questionable but being slightly inquisitive can go a long way. Don’t let your date do all the talking as then they would think of you as boring. Don’t just ask questions about their likes and dislikes, ask questions about their beliefs and opinions about stuff you hold close. Ask questions of interest and intellect as this would keep things exciting and afloat. Note also whether they are putting forth questions or are just listening, as they might find you a bit too talkative.

5. Offer to pay

Please don’t ask to split the bill; there is nothing sleazier than doing just that on a date and that too of all a first date. Always offer to pay regardless of the fact whether you’re a girl and have an inherent expectation that the guy is going to pay. Leave that belief behind at home, take your money and card along and actually, wholeheartedly offer to cover the bill. As for men, don’t think the girl should split the bill with you, either you should pay in full or let them pay in full without letting it hurt anyone's ego.

6. Be yourself

Leave your anxiety and pre-supposed notions behind and just be yourself, your positive self! Not only will this ensure that your date has a great time but if they like you then just know that they are falling for the real you and not someone you’re trying so hard to be then. 

What should you do after first date?

7. Be sure about how you feel

Don’t message your date just because you feel like you’re obliged to do so or that you’d rather have someone than no one at all. Be sure about how you feel! Do you like them? Do you think that they think and work on the same wavelength as you? Do you think you guys are compatible? Were they fun to be around or just plain boring? Do they make you laugh and entertain you? These might seem like small issues but in fact have a huge effect on the outcome of where your relationship might go in the future. Being certain about your feelings is pertinent.  

8. Start a conversation

If your mind is cleared up and you’re certain that you would like to take this relationship forward then hit them up with a text. You don’t always have to ask them how they are or what they’re but be smart about your message. Pick a topic from your date last night and mention a point that you found amusing and just send it to them. ‘I was thinking and i feel….’ and fill in the blanks or just send them a funny meme and let the conversation fall into place, don’t hesitate! 

9. Don’t hesitate to make new plans

Don’t expect the other party to always make the first move or come up with another date night plan. Take it upon yourself to make things easier and smoother. Think of common interests and what kind of outings and fun hang out plans you can carry out. Plan out these outings and then pitch the idea to the other person and see their reaction. If they take you up on your offer, just move forward towards new ideas and new beginnings.

10. Don’t overthink

Most of us have an issue with overthinking and at times it gets difficult for us to control our inner thoughts, however, we have to be the masters of our own mind. It is inevitable at times for us to not get random thoughts after a first date but the best way to go about this is to not let those thoughts get the best of you! If you’re feeling the relationship then just go with the flow, don’t let those anxiety ridden thoughts get the best of you. As we mentioned above, think positive and act positively to have the best time.

11. Ensure you’re not the only one putting effort

Just because you really liked the first date, just because you think the other person is great and exciting does not in any way, put pressure on you to do more. Always remember that you have your own worth and own great qualities. This, however, in no way means that you don’t put in any effort at all. Be the first one to text or initiate new plans but ensure that the other person is putting in an equal and enthusiast effort. Remember, it should always be a two way street!

12. Know that it’s okay if things go south

As much as we tell everyone to be positive, we should always understand that there is no harm if things go south and not the way we wanted them to. Remember, if this relationship is meant to be then it will come through. Whilst you need to remain positive and hope for a better outcome, always keep your mind prepared and ready for all the worst possible scenarios that might come. There are gazillion men and women out there and you can find someone else anytime at any point of your life!


We all adore that feeling of falling in love, the butterflies in the stomach, that feeling in our heart and those lovely usual dates every now and then. But finding the right person to fall in love takes time and effort. Hence it becomes important to put in effort before, during and after your first date, if you think that the other person is compatible with you and you guys would make each other happy. I hope to have helped you figure out the key points of during and after day. I hope you find your special someone with the help of these suggestions soon! <3 

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