How Can You Tell If He Is Having A Crush On You
Not sure if he is having a crush on you? Here are some tips
Aug 30, 2019
![How Can You Tell If He Is Having A Crush On You](
Is There Ways To Know Scientifically If Someone Has A Crush On You?
We can unanimously agree that humans are the most complex species to ever walk the earth. We’re simply difficult to understand at best and almost impossible to figure out when it comes down to it. Guys, in particular, are not too keen on sharing their emotions, sometimes to know how a guy really feels you need Einstein’s mathematical precision and laser focus superpowers. They are not very expressive when it comes to how they feel and trying to guess their emotions is a science of its own. Fortunately, there are telltale signs that will give away a person's true feelings even if they try to hide it. From his eyes to his posture and behavior, his body language will reveal everything you want to know.
If you really want to find out whether a guy has a crush on you, read his body language, watch out for signs such as the tone of his voice, the way he places his hands around you, his eyes, and how he crosses his legs. We have come up with some of the most common telltale signs that will give away how he feels about you and help you respond when you get the confirmation of his crush on you. So, let’s dive right in.
1. He is extremely clumsy around you
Being nervous is an indication that we consider a situation important and want to make a good impression. When a guy is nervous, fidgets, and is clumsy around you, he’s definitely into you. He wants you to see him in the best possible light but he is so overwhelmed that he ends up making a mess of things. So if you notice a guy that is always spilling his coffee or slipping and falling when you’re around, know that he most likely has a crush on you.
2. He’s Mr. Touchy-Feely
When a guy likes you, he’ll touch you at every given opportunity, he’ll hug you, give you a peck on the cheek, hold your hand, rest his hand on your back or thigh, etc. Being touchy-feely is a clear sign that he’s crushing on you, this is just his instinctive way of expressing his attraction towards you, he can’t help it that’s how he gets to feel closer to you. So, now you know that that guy who is always ‘’ accidentally’’ touching you and running into you, has a thing for you.
3. His eyes light up
Eyes they say are windows of the soul, this statement has never been truer than when it comes to romance. You can tell how a person feels about you by looking in their eyes, this may seem cliche but it actually works. Scientific research shows that when a man is attracted to you, his pupils are dilated, his eyes are bright and wide as he looks at you. This is a chemical reaction caused by an increase in testosterone levels which in simple terms means he wants to do more than look at you.
4. Always smiles around you
You put him in a good mood, so he can’t help but smile when you’re around, not just any smile I must add, a big, bright, warm, ear to ear smile. He’s fulfilled in your presence and feels the positive energy when you’re in the room. He might also want to make a good impression by making you laugh to create rapport and make you feel good when you’re with him. Watch out if he makes an effort to lift the mood and puts out positive energy around you, chances are he likes you and wants you to like him in return.
5. Eye contact
If you often catch him staring at you or making eye contact more than is normal, it’s an indication that he likes you. When he’s crushing on you he’ll make steady eye contact and focus on you even in a room full of people. It feels like he can’t take his eyes off you but while you’re at it, make sure you don’t confuse a guy looking at your ass and boobs with someone who wants to build a relationship with you. The way he looks at you should be able to tell you if he’s interested in getting to know you or if it’s just physical.
Beside Body Language, What Are The Other Sure Signs You Should Take Note
Aside from body language, actions and behavior are also revealing when it comes to the way a person feels. Here are a few other signs to be on the lookout for.
6. He’s always available for you
A guy who wants to spend all of his free time with you is low key telling you something, he sacrifices his time and energy to be there for you, does things for you. You can always count on him to drive you around and he makes sure he’s there when you need him. Wanting to hang out with you every chance he gets, all clearly indicates that he wants to be more than friends. When a guy has a crush on you, he will come running when you call no matter what. When you need a shoulder to cry on at 2 am, he will be there.
7. He remembers details
When a man is interested in you, he will make it his job to remember everything you say and do. He is going to ask deep questions, listen attentively to every detail of your answer and want to know every little thing about you. Guys aren’t often good at remembering details but when they’re interested in you they’ll remember the unexpected details like your favorite ice-cream flavor. He’ll also notice little things like when you change your hairstyle, have new clothes or a new perfume.
8. You’ll catch him staring at you
Staring at you when no one is looking is a sure sign that he has feelings for you. You catch him staring at you even when you’re in a group tells you he has a crush on you. His attention always drifts to you and he can’t seem to control it, he’ll stare at you whenever he feels no one is watching until he gets caught. If he’s shy he’ll look away but if not he’ll look you in the eye.
9. He tries to impress you
A man only tries to impress a woman he’s attracted to, so if a guy goes the extra mile just to impress you, it means he has a thing for you. He’s trying to show off and make you feel he’s special and worth your time. He may even end up overdoing it and make a mess but he’ll at least try to impress you. He’ll hold the door for you, pull out your chair, and try to make you feel special all because he has a secret crush on you.
10. You have his full attention
Guys automatically check out girls when they’re in public, their eyes wander when they see a beautiful girl but when a guy is crushing on you, he has eyes only for you. His focus will be on you, he won’t be talking to you and manipulating his phone or getting distracted by someone else, you’ll have his full attention. This shows you that he is really into you and wants to be his best self when he is with you. So if he genuinely likes you, his eyes and attention will be on you only.
How To Handle This Tactfully At Work Or In School
Once you have confirmed that he is into you, and you like him too these are some of the ways in which you can tactfully handle the situation, letting him know that you like him too and that he has the green light to ask you out.
11. Smile back at him
People smile unconsciously when they see or think of someone or something they like if he smiles when he sees you or when your name is mentioned, he has a serious crush on you. Either he is too shy to act or is afraid that you won’t like him back. It takes guts to step up and let a girl know you like her, what if she doesn’t like you back? To encourage him to come and talk to you or confess his feelings, smile back at him. This will hint him that you too are into him and will set the ball rolling.
12. Maintain Eye Contact
When you catch a guy that you like staring at you, smile at him and stare right back, maintaining eye contact. This lets him know you like him and want to get to know him. Seeing you smile and stare at him might be just what he needs to muster the courage to come and talk to you. Moreover, experts say prolonged eye contact increases the level of attraction between two people.
13. Compliment him
There’s nothing that warms the heart of a person like a well placed compliment. Opt for a genuine compliment instead of platitudes such as ‘’nice shirt’’, go deep and say something like ‘’wow! I love the way your eyes twinkle when you smile’’. Be warm, genuine and leave the rest to come naturally, don’t push it or be too invasive, just be creative and go with the flow. It’s okay if you sound cheesy, the worst-case scenario you’ll have him cracking up for days.
14. Ask him
Wondering endlessly if he likes you or not? Are you getting mixed signals and want to know once and for all how he feels? Well, just ask him. Instead of roaming around in endless wonder and uncertainty, communicate your feelings to him and he’ll do the same if he’s truly interested in you. Some guys just enjoy the chase and never intend to go any further so it’s best for your sanity if you know where you stand right from the start. In which case you can move on to other adventures.
![How To Convert That Friend Crush Into A Real Relationship](
How to escape from the friend zone and make your crush love you
Surprisingly, there are instances where a guy who has a crush on you completely ignores you. You can’t even tell if he likes you because he won’t smile at you, stare at you or even acknowledge your presence. This could be because he is too shy and nervous around you that he’s afraid to be noticed in a negative light or he is trying to play hard to get. If he appears disinterested, it’s best if you get his attention and show interest in him then let him do the rest, this way you don’t go hitting on every guy who ignores you even those who don’t know you exist or are in a happy relationship with someone else.
Psychologists say if you want to know whether someone is watching you or checking you out, yawn or check your watch and see if they do the same. Mirroring your actions mean they’re subconsciously trying to get in sync with you and rest assured body language never lies.