June 9: All about National Sex Day and How to Celebrate It
6/9 is coming and how to celebrate with social distancing
May 10, 2020

What is National Sex Day About?
Like food and water, the need for physical intimacy cannot be sidelined. We need it to sustain ourselves. Sex is rightly referred to as the pinnacle of affection. It is the summit that you reach with your better half when everything is said and done, making it the finest expression of love.
Don’t worry about not having a very satiating orgasm if you are single on this exceptional occasion, you can still chime in with a great solo masturbation session. After all, you have to love yourself before you are ready to share the same relationship with someone else. The origin of this day has no official basis and it is believed to have birthed online. Regardless of how it came into being, National Sex Day ought to be cherished in one of the many ways we have mentioned below.
How To Celebrate If Social Distancing Is Required?

COVID-19 has spread around the globe like an unbeatable wildfire. The year 2020 has been one rocky ride and the whole world is in it together. To prevent the spread of this ailment that has no cure as of yet, social distancing is being practiced all around the world. This means the way the national sex day was being celebrated year after year must change if the spread of this deadly virus is not curbed by June.
Staying at home and away from your loved ones to protect them must not dull the fire of love within you. Following are some of the corona-virus-tailored ways you can use to sustain the heat between your partner and you:
Video call

The meaning of playing it safe has changed significantly during the times of COVID-19. Now, you need protection not only against STDs but also against corona. If you love them enough to celebrate national sex day with them, then you must respect them enough to maintain a safe distance by opting for having sex over a video call. This will give you two the right amount of stimulation without breaching the safe distance limits as you make sultry online sex with them.

You can text your way into their pants by talking dirty to them over WhatsApp or SMS. Even if a few years ago you thought sexting was a futile thing of the past, times of social distancing have made it worthwhile again. Put back your sexting gloves and get on with it.
Sharing erotic pictures
You can keep it visual by sharing nude photos of yourself with your loved ones on this national sex day while maintaining COVID-19 social distancing. These pictures are bound to turn the heat up between you two despite the distance.
9 Things You Can Do to Celebrate

You need not have an excuse to indulge in steamy sex with your lover, but national sex day calls for you two being a bit more extra than usual to make it stand out from the rest of the year. Here are 9 pragmatic ways to spice up things in the bedroom this June 9th:
1. Explore yourself
Sex does not necessarily mean having your partner with you or being in a relationship. You can have a very merry national sex day all by yourself, within the confines of your own room, a tactic that can prove to be very useful during the COVID-19 pandemic.

You can order in a bottle of your favorite wine and set up the mood by standing in front of the mirror. Slowly, strip bare while touching yourself in places that arouse you the most. If you have a partner, you can record this for them to see or simply videotape it for future use for your own self. Explore your beautiful body and masturbate till you climax.
2. Try pegging
Heterosexual couples can go for a role reversal on this national sex day if they have never had a taste of it before, because when is a better day to give pegging a shot? You and your partner can search online for the apt gear needed and the ways to perform it safely. Given that you two consent to it, your man will be able to experience what is known as the “handsfree orgasm”, one of the best that he would have had.
3. Roleplaying

One of the most common complaints that married couples have when they meet their sex therapist is the unbelievably boring sex they are having with their long-term partners. It is important to bear in mind that even something as enthralling as sex can become monotonous if it isn’t subject to some change every now and then.
Try roleplaying on the upcoming national sex day with your partner to rejuvenate that spark that has been reduced over time. This activity might also introduce an element of kink in your everyday sex life. Lookup for different characters that you two might love playing as you seduce one another into having the craziest sex you two have indulged into lately.
4. Add some “Toys to the Story”

Sex toys are must-haves for this national sex day. They always come into ‘handy’ whether you are single or in a relationship. Spend on anal plugs, upgraded dildos, and vibrators or get yourself a sex doll. On June 9th, go ahead and get crazy, making all your wild fantasies come true with the latest sex toys on the market.
5. A Spicier Netflix and Chill Session

Look for something extra romantic and hot on Netflix for this National Sex Day. Start it off sitting or laying super close to your partner, and start pushing upon them more and more as the movie progresses. Let the sexual tension rise as your hands move to more risky locations. Quarantining would be a blessing if you could enjoy a good makeout session with your spouse because of it!
6. Come out!
The national sex day is not only about making love. It is also a day when you embrace who you are, even if you are unlike everyone else around you. If you have been living in the closet for a long part of your life, this is the day when you let the sun hit you and illuminate who you are. Let go of the façade and ask out the person you have been crushing on. Talk to your parents and friends about who you are and how you feel. Say goodbye to all the hiding.
7. Educate those around you
National sex day gives you the pretext to talk about sex with your loved ones and young minds to help them understand themselves better. On this day, you can call up your friends and talk about sex like no other day. Share your fetishes or simply sign up for sex therapy if you think you are different from others when it comes to getting under the sheets. Arrange a class for your pupils and kids to talk about sex with them and explain intricate but crucial topics such as consent to ease them into the next stages of life.
8. Scented candles and a massage

Relax your partner and help them take the strain off your shoulders by arranging a mini massage parlor in your very own room.
Chocolate and lavender scents are proven to heighten libido and set the mood in no time. Place them away from any linen, in safe spots of your bedroom to dimly irradiate it while giving off an erotic scent. In the middle of the floor, place clean sheets and soft bedding. Around it, you can put one of the aforementioned scented candles and bowls full of water with rose petals immersed into them. Ask your partner to lie down on the quilt and give them an erotic massage to relax them and arouse them like never before. Make this national sex day unforgettable for both of you.
9. Reading sex stories

Erotic stories are a must-read on national sex day. This ilk of fiction will not only stimulate you but also give you brand new ideas to try in bed with yourself or your partner. You can take things up a notch by writing a sex story yourself to explore your fantasies or to tell your partner about your sexual desires.

Get your immunity level up to beat the crazed coronavirus

Making love to your partner or to yourself does not need a special day. Thanks to the internet, the national sex day exists. Instead of dismissing it as one of those childish online phenomena, make use of it to rekindle your relationship with your lover, to explore and embrace your own sexuality and to talk about sex freely.
If social distancing is the need of the hour even on the upcoming national sex day, you can still celebrate national sex day online. FaceTime, watch porn, share photos, sext or read erotica; there is nothing that can keep you from enjoying the 9th of June!