Always Intrigued By Intelligence? You Might Be A Sapiophile!

Always Intrigued By Intelligence? You Might Be A Sapiophile!

10 Signs that you are attracted to intelligence and is it good?

By Bella
Always Intrigued By Intelligence? You Might Be A Sapiophile!

Sapiophile Pronunciation

Sapiophile is pronounced as ˈsæp.i.ə.faɪl/l (sa-pio-phile). The prefix of the word is derived from the Latin root word “sapient”, which means wise and the suffix originates from the Greek word phile, for “lover of”. Do you know how to spot a sexy and intelligent guy? I have tips for you listed below!

10 Signs that You are a Sapiophile

1. You love intellectually stimulating conversations.

Well-educated people tend to show more interest in politics, economics and science. They want to know how the world works. Also, talking to people facilitates the exchange of knowledge and ideas. If you are constantly asking “why” and picking people’s brains, you may come across similarly intelligent people in your social circle. After all, birds of the same feather flock together.

2. You prefer to date men with college degrees.

Higher IQ has been linked to academic success and lower recidivism rates in school. Research shows that most university graduates have an IQ of 114. Those who studied physics, philosophy, and mathematical sciences topped the charts, with an average of 133.

3. You love to learn new things

Whether it is picking up a new hobby or learning a foreign language, you love learning new things. Naturally, you would seek a partner who shares the same zest for learning like you. Our brain develops novel neural networks and connections when we teach ourselves something new and different.

4. You are attracted to polyglots

Learning a new language is not easy-you have to deal with the syntax, the grammar rules as well as nuances of sentence structure of a new language. An online study showed that the polyglots surveyed had a higher than average IQ and they mastered at least 7 languages, and many of them were considered hyperpolyglots, who were articulate in more than 11 languages. Hence, if you are dating someone who is multilingual, the odds are in your favor.

5. You are attracted to computer nerds who crunch code everyday

The average person finds programming difficult to learn. In fact, fast coders are shown to have a higher IQs than those who were slower coders. Having to deal with abstract maths, logic, and calculus, coding is no easy feat to master. To get a job as a programmer, one would have to pass various high-pressure programming and technical tests to demonstrate their coding aptitude.

6. You are attracted to men who excel at their jobs

The ugly truth is that smart people learn faster, especially when it comes to complex tasks. That translates to higher productivity at work. Those with lower IQs generated a lot less income for the company, compared to those with average and higher IQs. For instance, the former managed to bring in $109,000 a year and $159,000 a year for their company respectively. However, the latter brought in $195,000 of income annually for their company. Employees with higher IQs are worth their salt after all.

7. Your man commands a high salary at work

Society tends to judge women who prefer men who earn higher salaries, but there is concrete proof that they tend to be smarter than their lower-earning counterparts. Zargorsky’s study showed that a one-point increase in IQ translates to a $202 to $616 rise in annual salary for the average worker. Furthermore, with an increase in IQ from 100 to 120, a person’s net worth would have experienced more than a two-fold increase, from $58,000 to $128,000. You may seem materialistic for preferring higher-earning homo-sapiens-but the proof is in the pudding.

8. You like men who make good and sound decisions

Scientific research has shown that smarter people tend to make wiser decisions on their health and fitness. Assuming that they earn higher salaries, they have access to better healthcare, food, and nutrition. Moreover, they tend to be more careful when crossing the road, thus, evading unfortunate road traffic accidents. Therefore, they usually have longer lifespans than the average person. 

9. Your man loves to play tactical and roleplaying games

More brainpower is definitely involved in games which require logical thinking and sustained mental effort. If your man loves games that revolve around games with complicated strategies and difficult puzzles, he might be secretly a genius after all.

10. You like men who are night owls

Research has proven that people who are nocturnal tend to be smarter than their non-nocturnal counterparts. This genetic trait has been traced to our ancient civilizations, where hunter-gatherers who were exploring their surroundings at dusk had to be smarter, which was considerably more risky than daytime pursuits.

Why Being a Sapiophile is Good

You would probably produce smarter offspring since genetics are inextricably linked to intelligence. There is a direct correlation between intelligence and genetics, ranging from 50-80 percent.  Also, evolution has conditioned us to choose smarter and healthier partners to mate with. Moreover, motivational speaker Jim Rohn was famous for his quote:” You're The Average Of The Five People You Spend The Most Time With.” The intelligence of prodigies and savants might not rub off on us, but we may pick up some habits and choices that smart people make. Also, we might become more and more like them, in terms of thinking and behavior.

Why Being a Sapiophile is Bad

It comes off as elitist, hence, you might miss out potential dates with those who are compatible with you in terms of lifestyle and personality, but may be somewhat dimmer than the average brainiac. Besides, There are multiple forms of intelligence. Traditional intelligence is measured by IQ tests and standardized testing. Emotional intelligence and other non-traditional forms of intelligence such as intrapersonal intelligence, may not make one a conventionally intelligent person.

Although smart people may earn more money, there are some drawbacks too. From Zarvosky’s study, smart people tend to have higher credit card debt. Those who are well-endowed with big brains are not necessarily happier than stupid people too. 

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Most stereotypes about smart people are actually quite true. Sapiosexual is a term that has risen in popularity in recent years, and smart people tend to gravitate towards one another. If you are a sapiosexual, you are probably quite smart yourself.