Make Him Worship You Program: What Is It And Does It Work??

We find out if this is a good find or something to miss?

By Kimmy
Make Him Worship You Program: What Is It And Does It Work??

What Is This "He Will Worship You" Program


Dedicated to all single women, or those who have been hurt in a toxic relationship, the "He Will Worship You" program takes you to a whole new level of the relationship game. You are basically taught skills and techniques that you are able to utilize to your advantage, to make a guy head over heels for you and treat you as the queen of the world.

This program consists of 6 modules, with worksheets, tutorials, secret tips, and videos on how you can get to a guy's heart and retain the passion. All of these modules serve as a step-by-step guide to how to accomplish the ultimate relationship game to make your man worship you.

Any topics you can think of in a relationship are covered in the program. From when to sleep with a man, when to say "I love you", to when to take the relationship to the next level, and when to say the right thing, this program will reform you into the woman any man desires.

This program brands itself as the transformation women need to avoid crappy relationships, to be the king of your choice. The market seems to be going crazy for this aggressively written approach on how to deal with a man to make him worship you.

Who Is Micheal Fiore


The author of the book, the crowned expert of relationships and love. Michael Fiore is internationally known as the funny and yet brutally honest guy to reveal secrets about relationships that no one told you before. He has published a dozen books on relationships and managed programs designed for women to take control and win over a guy.

Currently residing in Seattle, Fiore gained recognition for many of his secret tips covered in his program. Coming from a guy's perspective, Fiore brands himself as the whisperer to detail how a guy's mind works and breaks it down for women to understand. Him being an expert on the relationship and writing for women from a guy's point of view has given him popularity and credibility in his field.

He claims to be offering women an x-ray scan into a man's mind. Over the years, his books have been among the best-selling in the same niche and he is continuously working on new ideas to keep up with changes in the dating field.

Reviews Of This Program

Positive reviews

As mentioned before, Fiore is praised for his honest reviews and clever analysis of a situation. The best of his advantage is that it's a program dedicated to women from a man. Everything a woman wants to know about a man can be found inside Fiore's head. He knows what women are confused about, what struggles they are going through, and how he can offer help.

In his program, he covers many types of scenarios that women face, from falling for your friend with benefits to meeting a new guy, the uncertainty and anxiety that bring you down and stop you from achieving new heights are broken with his wise words.

His students have left positive reviews on Amazon, complimenting how relatable the situations are to most everyday women and how his views offer a fresh point to see the situation. The program talks about a fine line of playing hard-to-get and overplaying that you will end up losing your admirer. How to define that line in your life may be difficult but his situations are realistic and relatable that students will have a good idea of where to draw that line.

His critical views are endorsed by his students. He offers insights as to the life problems women face and why they are wrecked from their previous relationships. Some women aren't able to bounce back because the hurt was so deep. He offers a fail-safe 3-word text that will guarantee success with guys.

A lot of women who had been in toxic relationships find new hope in this book, saying this book has reignited the lost hope in the dark. Women may never understand what's truly going on in a man's mind because both are wired to function differently. Through Fiore's eyes, women are able to take a critical look into understanding how a man functions, what their needs are and how to feed into their needs so they will worship you and think you are a queen.

Negative reviews

Every time when it comes to relationship books and dating guru, there will be a sea of negative reviews casting doubts on the legitimacy and credibility. To start with, students are with the wrath of how this program is generalizing men and women. We live in the modern century where equality is sought after. Yet, in this book, it seems to be reinforcing ideas that men and women are inherently different and they will always be. You have to understand a man's mind in order to lock it. It neglects the fact that people are different and most of the time it doesn't come down to gender.

The generalization of gender stereotypes encourages students to drive wedges between both genders instead of embracing people who are different because they are different people, rather than they are of a different gender. Naturally, many activists are happy to see the hype over a book with deep stereotypes playing around men and women.

Secondly, the methods used received a swamp of negative reviews from both women and men. In the book, it's telling girls to friendzone every guy and treat them like crap so they will pathetically chase you around like a helpless little pup. The idea of annihilating one's self-esteem should never be celebrated. The worst of all, the book is actively telling women if they want a guy to follow them, make them go through emotional turmoil and hell by playing with their feelings.

This is not a book about maintaining or securing a long-term relationship, this is a book on how to manipulating men into making them feel shit about themselves. It's not hard to see how this will cause outrage from both genders. Women that are seeking love are told if they want to love and respect they have to treat the other person without love and respect. Men are seen as inferior and deserve to be treated as such because they are seen to be creatures that are wired to hurt women so they have to be "disciplined".

Should You Get This Program?

Why are you getting this program? What is the end goal of your agenda? Are you taking this program to take a hard look into your personal life and reflect on how accurate it is about you and how you can improve? Or you are desperate enough to take this book as the dating bible and follow every advice on it?

In the end, you should take all advice with a grain of salt. After all, you live in a world with 7 billion people, so a minimum of 3 billion men to say to least. How accurate one program can be in representing those men is doubtful. Even in the US alone, there are too many men that were born and raised differently for this book to be applicable to them all or to your situation.

Some of the advice may offer you an insight view that you've been lacking, such as how long you have been putting yourself down because you don't feel worthy of love. This book will rejuvenate you with the right pump of confidence to get back into dating, but you probably don't want to follow through with every advice it gives.

This program costs $37 and it's not too expensive compared to others offering the same. Whether it's worth it or not depends on the user and the experience. Think it through as to why you want to take this program and what you are aiming to get from it. Do an unbiased self-check. This program may offer you perspectives you never thought of before but it should not serve as a dating bible that you follow without questioning one bit of it.

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There's nothing shameful to want love or to feel worshipped. How far you are willing to go to gain such a feeling is a question this program teaches you about. This program may be hinting or blatantly teaching you how to manipulate men rather than how to attract them for good, it could end up giving you the advice you didn't know you needed or thought was possible.

Access your needs and decide whether this program will do you good in your love life!